Top Items:

Edelman, Wal-Mart and the Loss of Control in Media — It's inevitable that a PR firm like Edelman would create a phony blog for one of its clients (in this case Wal-Mart — see Shel Holtz for a great analysis). For all of the hype over "conversation" as the new media paradigm …

Blog integrity is important — If you don't disclose you're being paid to blog, you're gonna create a mess, like Edelman and Walmart did. That's why I don't like PayPerPost (which sponsored part of the conference yesterday). I don't mind PayPerPost on the face of it.

Edelman Gaming Blogosphere. With Walmart. Again. — In spite of the ever growing echochamber the blogosphere lives in, it never astounds me what gets missed from time to time; in particular, there's a leading story in Businessweek about how a travel blog about Wal-mart …
loose wire blog, B.L. Ochman's weblog, Newsome.Org, Bloggers Blog, Guardian Unlimited, Mark Evans, and Mathew Ingram

'Good for the Soul' — With iPod's fifth birthday around the corner, Steve Jobs discusses the MP3 player's design, the cool factor and the impact on how we listen to music. — Paul Sakuma / AP — Holistic: Jobs at an Apple media event last month — Oct. 23 marks the fifth anniversary of Apple's iPod.

The Reporter Is Real, but the World He Covers Isn't — In preparing to open a Reuters bureau on a bustling island, Adam Pasick has been introducing himself to residents and interviewing entrepreneurs. After finishing such interviews, Mr. Pasick often levitates for a moment, then flies over buildings.

Google Reader feeds in your Gmail — Mihai Parprita, the blogger responsible for and employee at Google, has created a greasemonkey script to incorporate your Google Reader feeds into your Gmail. — I'm happy he decided to experiment by giving Gmail tighter integration with Reader …
Deep Jive Interests

Movie Downloads: iTunes v. The Rest — We started testing the various movie download services earlier this summer when rumors of Apple's new movie download store first heated up. We're now regular customers of three of the services. Michael Arrington is an iTunes junkie because he likes having movies …

2:48am Friday night/Saturday morning — It's been quite a day! Has anybody ever asked, "Do you feel any different?" on your birthday or other significant life event? And you think to yourself, "What kind of question is that!? Why would I feel different?!" And sometimes you accidentally say that out loud. . .

Planet Google Wants You — AS Dan Firger, a law student at New York University, strolls from class to class during the course of his day or pauses for a breather in Washington Square Park, his cellphone is routinely buzzing inside his messenger bag. He can often guess who it is: Google.

Interview with Chris Pirillo — Normally when I do interviews, I categorize them under "Spotlight on Search or Spotlight on Blogging", but Chris Pirillo doesn't fit in just one category. He's a bit of a renaissance man when it comes to all the enterprising projects, ventures and activities he's involved with. Adds Video Space — MySpace made a silent change to their MySpace Video program over the weekend, adding user uploaded videos to the default MySpace profile in a new section dubbed Video Space. — Nested between the Who I'd Like To Meet and Friends area of MySpace profiles …

Top 10 Scoble Blog Thangs — Change of plans: I'm here at the Robert and Maryam Scoble presentation "10 Ways to a Killer Blog: Getting noticed in the new word-of-mouth network." — Sue Polinsky says she was turned on to blogging via Scoble. Sue: Everybody in this room has turned an online relationship into a face.
Off On A Tangent

Paid popularity — Inspired by the success of blogging journalist and former staffer Om Malik, Business 2.0 is paying staffers to blog, rewarding them on the basis of traffic. My newfound friend Dan Shanoff objects at HuffingtonPost, arguing, with merit, that this may cause writers to …
B2Day, Mathew Ingram, twopointouch, Socialtwister 2.0, Smalltalk Tidbits … and Blogspotting

PlayStation 3 Wins Kudos At DigitalLife 06 — DigitalLife, the "ultimate consumer technology, gaming & entertainment event of the year", has announced this year's "best of show" awards, with Sony netting the ultimate award for their PlayStation 3, as well as Best Booth.

The Real T3 : TVrss, Torrents + Ted Get Married. — I've never really got the torrents working on the Apple wireless network here using Azureus. (is this a common problem or just me being a tech idiot ? - just shows vvslow download speeds, close to zero.. something with ports etc ??)

Price Hikes For Yahoo Music — Earlier this week, someone asked me what's up with Yahoo Music, and their Music Match service. Since, Yahoo is not my preferred source of digital music, I admit, I completely forgot about them, and the fact that they had paid $160 million for Music Match back in September 2004.