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It May Be a Long Time Before the Long Tail Is Wagging the Web — Wired Magazine editor Chris Anderson's hot, new best seller, "The Long Tail," is causing a sensation with its eye-opening claims about the way the Web is rewriting the rules of commerce. But I've looked at some of the same data …
IP Democracy, Business Filter, Newsome.Org, Frank Barnako, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Clickety Clack, Know It All and Slashdot

THE BACKLASH, CHAPTER 1 — I'll take it as a compliment that I now warrant a proper Wall Street Journal takedown for crimes of...well, I'm not quite sure what the crimes are. But Lee Gomes has tried mightily to find flaws with the Long Tail theory and deserves a response of some sort.
BeyondVC, Blackfriars' Marketing, rexblog, Jim Moore's cybernetics … and J. LeRoy's Evolving Web

How large is the long tail? — In his column in the Wall Street Journal today, Lee Gomes tries to debunk Chris Anderson's Long Tail theory, and on his Long Tail blog today, Anderson tries to debunk Gomes's debunking. It's an interesting - and important - debate, and I find myself agreeing with both gentlemen.
Mathew Ingram

Calacanis — I rarely blog, but I recently saw this post by Jason Calacanis so I thought I'd share my thoughts. — Jason, — Clever PR stunt, but man, in the end I believe it's going to do more damage for Netscape than good. Ya see users like Digg,, Reddit and Flickr …

Kevin Rose cracks (or "how to know when you've won the debate") — Update: This story has been DUGG (but is not yet 'Scaped). — Update2: Looks like the story has been killed on DIGG—go figure. :-) — OK, it's on. :-) — On the latest DIGG Nation (minute 8), Digg co-funder Kevin Rose goes …

Should Community-Edited News Sites Pay Top Editors? — If there is one push-and-pull balancing act that defines news in the age of Web 2.0, it's the question of how much power to give the audience, the masses, the collective mind, and how much control remains centralized.

Estimating invalid clicks — Over the past few months, we've provided answers to your invalid click questions. Now, Shuman Ghosemajumder, Business Product Manager for Trust & Safety, is back to provide details on a new related feature.

Google to offer advertisers click fraud stats — Responding to concerns about click fraud in the online-ad industry, Google will be revealing to advertisers the number of invalid clicks on their ads with changes it's set to make to its AdWords system late Tuesday.

TiVo Is Watching When You Don't Watch, and It Tattles — AS the advertising and television industries debate how to measure viewers of shows watched on digital video recorders, the pioneering maker of the recorders, TiVo, is getting into the argument. It is starting a research division …
TechEffect, AdJab, flashpoint, Clickety Clack, TiVo's Privacy Promises …, Screenwerk and Lost Remote

VC Cliché of the Week — One of the best lines I have heard in a long time was uttered by an entrepreneur we know. He was talking about one of his co-founders who one day decided he didn't want to work anymore. He said about his co-founder, "he called in rich". I laughed so hard I almost cried.

AlwaysOn: YouTube wants to stay independent — During a panel at the AlwaysOn Stanford Summit 2006, YouTube co-founder and CEO Chad Hurley was asked by moderator Kara Swisher about disparaging comments Bill Gates made about his service at the D conference. "Speaking about competiton and Gates …

Facebook Launches Back-to-School Promotion to Give Away 10 Million Music Samplers from iTunes — PALO ALTO, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—July 25, 2006—Facebook, the social directory that allows people to share information, announced today a back-to-school promotion to give away 10 million music samplers …

SayNow helps musicians call their fans — Sometimes simple systems work the best and SayNow might be one of those cases. The service, still in private beta, is targeting musicians on MySpace who want to exchange voice messages with their fans. They can record voice messages …

Congress spanks naughty sex sites — The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a bill that would make it a federal felony for Webmasters to use innocent words like "Barbie" or "Furby" but actually feature sexual content on their sites. — Anyone who includes misleading "words" …

Will Linux Rule The Digital Home? — For consumer electronics industry, digital home is the next big pot of gold, a pot so big that it has everyone from Apple (AAPL) to Microsoft (MSFT) to Intel (INTC) licking their chops. But it is Linux could emerge as one of the biggest winners in this bonanza.

SightSpeed 5.0 Launches — Berkeley, CA based SightSpeed, an IP video and voice services company, is launching its 5.0 product tonight. — While many of the changes are upgrades to its video product suite (including a new video codec) and user interface (which is already good), SightSpeed makes several introductions in this launch.