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Its Time To Transition — What do you do, when all your life you have chased scoops, and then got scooped on your own news? You tip the hat to the person who beat you to your own story. As kids would call it, I got punked by Valleywag. — I wanted to wait till end of this month …
IP Democracy, Business Filter, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, Scripting News, Jeff Clavier's Software Only,, VoIP Watch, Kevin Maney, Cameron's Brain, Don Dodge on The Next …,, Ken Yarmosh,, Manthan, Life On the Wicked Stage, Niall Kennedy's Weblog and ALLIED

Scoop: Blogger Om Malik quits Business 2.0 and takes funding — Keep inflating the media-bubble-about-the-tech- bubble: blogger Om Malik took funding for his tech site, GigaOM. The news comes from a leaked internal memo from Business 2.0 editor Josh Quittner.

Om Malik quits Biz 2.0, raises cash to build out broadband news site — It was only a matter of time. — Om Malik (bio), the San Francisco writer of the cutting-edge blog on broadband news, Gigaom, has raised several hundred thousand dollars from San Francisco venture firm True Ventures …

Om Malik Leaves Business 2, Turns Free Agent

RIAA chief says illegal song-sharing 'contained' — LOS ANGELES — Nearly a year after the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling against online music file-sharing services, the CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America says unauthorized song swapping has been "contained."
Gizmodo, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Engadget, Digital Music News, IP Democracy and Smalltalk Tidbits …

Google SketchUp released for Mac OS X — When Google acquired @Last Software on 14 March 2006 I got excited about the prospect of having a tidy little application to design all the house projects that I have planned for the summer. Needless to say, I was a little bummed out when I found …

Judge won't block distribution of Google Earth — A federal judge in Massachusetts has rejected a request for an injunction preventing Google from distributing its popular 3D Earth-mapping and visualization program. — U.S. District Judge Douglas Woodlock on Friday denied …

Meet Google Earth 4.0 beta — Google Earth version 4.0 beta has just been announced at Google's Geo Developer Day today. Just go and download it and play, or if you're stuck at the office, read on... First, the basics: — There's a Linux version of Google Earth! (No plus and Pro version yet)

Inside Apple's iPod factories — Apple's iPods are made by mainly female workers who earn as little as £27 per month, according to a report in the Mail on Sunday yesterday. — The report, 'iPod City', isn't available online. It offers photographs taken from inside the factories …

Windows Vista screencasts — I've done several Windows Vista screencasts focusing on various important new features: Aero, file management, guided help, tablet PC functionality, sidebar, improved search indexing and Media Center. These are just a taste of some of the new features you will find in Windows Vista.

Inside The Beltway Newspapers Lying About Net Neutrality? What A Surprise — from the inside-the-beltway-logic dept — Two separate editorials from DC newspapers both oppose net neutrality efforts — and yet, both seem to be filled with outright lies or misleading half-truths.

The Google Connection: Google Employees on Orkut — Marissa Mayer, Googler, 173 centimeters, blue-eyed, blond and athletic, who likes dancing, candlelight and flirting and doesn't like smoking, is a friend of ... ... Ninane Wang, Googler, born in Beijing, age 26, who worked at Microsoft before …

Verizon Offers to Be Your Kids' Chaperone — Verizon is launching a new Chaperone service, enabling parents to keep tabs on their kids's LG Migo phones. — First it was Disney offering special phones parents could use to keep tabs on their wayward progeny; now Verizon Wireless is getting in on the act …

NES Controller Cellphone Mod — Relive the glory days with this NES Controller that has been modified into a cellphone. Everything is original - the buttons and casing. This modification uses a Nokia 3200 radio and electronics because it's so easy to get the casing off and get to the good stuff.

As DVD Sales Slow, Hollywood Hunts for a New Cash Cow — LOS ANGELES — After more than half a decade as Hollywood's savior, the DVD is looking a little tired — and the movie studios, for once, are having trouble coming up with a sequel. — DVD sales represent more than half …

Internet stealth company steps out — Waltham firm has 650,000 Web names — A venture-backed Waltham company that's quietly amassed more than 650,000 Internet domain names is stepping out of stealth mode today and unveiling its plans to build a substantial Boston-area Web 2. business around …

Put your business on the Map — For almost a year, the Google Maps API has been available for free, public-facing sites. A remarkable variety of websites (over 30,000 in number) have already integrated Google's mapping technology using this API. Including our own. Check out the Google Mini Map here.

Buffalo AirStation Nfiniti - Draft-n Router — Buffalo AirStation Nfiniti — There's no doubt that the 802.11n standard has caused more controversy than any other wireless specification. Originally put forward for informal investigation way, way back in 2003 there have since …

Sampa - Blog Platform On Steriods — Sampa is an interesting new homepage-builder product that has just gone into beta. Like a lot of the products I'm interested in these days, it's quite to explain what it is! Sampa founder Marcelo Calbucci, an ex-Microsoftie who is still based in Redmond …