Top Items:
Richard Siklos / New York Times:
Death by Smiley Face: When Rivals Disdain Profit — THE tectonic changes facing media companies are by now the topic of an often-recited sermon. Put briefly, digital technology is placing control over much information squarely in the hands of consumers and creating all kinds of opportunities …
A VC,, Paul Kedrosky's …, Cameron's Brain, ben barren and Scott Heiferman's Notes
Jeff Jarvis / BuzzMachine:
Not quite, Times — The Times — like many people in power — seems to have trouble grasping the full impact of the internet handing control over to the people. They have real trouble turning their personal prisms around to look at the world from the bottom up instead of their usual top down.
Tim / O'Reilly Radar:
Purpose-Driven Media — Business theorists have started to grasp the risks to established businesses of asymmetric competition. (By analogy to the concept of asymmetric warfare, sometimes companies are competing with rivals whose different business model transforms the nature of the conflict.
Anil Dash:
Your April Fool's Joke Sucks. — Hey, there! I'm your friend, so I didn't want to be the one to tell you. But someone had to: Your April Fool's Day joke sucks. — Really, it does. April Fool's works really well if you're either genuinely funny or if you make something that's plausible enough …
Rick Turoczy / hypocritical:
Nick Carr wins the annual hypocritical April Fools' Day "Dark Cloud" award
Nick Carr wins the annual hypocritical April Fools' Day "Dark Cloud" award
Matt Cutts / Gadgets, Google, and SEO:
April Fools Watch
April Fools Watch
Chrono Tron - 100%, InsideGoogle, The Unofficial Microsoft … and Google Operating System
France's Alcatel to buy Lucent for $13.4 bln — PARIS/PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - French communications-equipment maker Alcatel said on Sunday it would buy smaller U.S. rival Lucent Technologies Inc. for $13.4 billion to gain market heft and broaden its product mix.
Alcatel and Lucent Technologies to Merge and Form World's Leading Communication Solutions Provider — Combined company will have strong financial base and revenues of approximately Euro 21 billion (USD25 billion) based on calendar 2005 results — Creates new growth opportunities …
Writing On Newsvine — If you'd like your own column, we'd like to publish it for you! Start writing here, and we'll promote your articles throughout the site based on what keywords ("tags") you provide for each article. — For instance, if you wrote an article about Bill Clinton and tagged your article …
New York Times:
A Letter to Our Readers — To Our Readers: — Our goal when we set out to redesign The Times Web site more than a year ago was to make experiencing The New York Times online simpler and more useful. We hope you conclude that we have done that on the new pages appearing for the first time this month.
Harry McCracken / PC World's Techlog:
What Does "Windows Vista Capable" Mean? — Next month, new PCs will show up with stickers identifying them as being "Windows Vista Capable." But "Capable of Running Certain Versions of Windows Vista, But Maybe Not Stupendously Well" might be a more accurate designation, it seems.
Jason Calacanis / The Jason Calacanis Weblog:
Seth Godin says Squidoo is not MLM — Seth replies to my "Newsvine/Squidoo doing the MLM thing" post. — Seth says "Neal is correct. This isn't MLM, not by any definition (not that there's anything wrong with that.) You are entitled to your opinion, whether I like it or not, but your facts are wrong."
Web Publishing Blog
Jason Calacanis / The Jason Calacanis Weblog:
Squidoo joins Newsvine in the MLM social news model...
Squidoo joins Newsvine in the MLM social news model...
Norimitsu Onishi / New York Times:
In a Wired South Korea, Robots Will Feel Right at Home — SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea, the world's most wired country, is rushing to turn what sounds like science fiction into everyday life. The government, which succeeded in getting broadband Internet into 72 percent of all households …
Seo Book / Aaron Wall's SEO
Web Directories...are They Relevant to SEO? — With Zeal recently closing (I think Looksmart are dumb to have closed it) some people have recently been questioning the value of directories. — $hoemoney recently had a mini interview of a few SEOs asking if they are still relevant.
THE STATE OF WEB 2.0 — Now that Web 2.0 has had its mainstream media coming-out party in both Newsweek and Slate recently (here and here), I thought I'd take some time this afternoon and try to get a real sense of the prevailing winds. Before I go further, I would ask all of you with innate dislike …
Create a vitual PABX in just minutes for free. — With Easy PABX you can create your own virtual PABX online in just minutes. Easy PABX is based on Asterisk and best of all - it's completely free. — Attended and blind transfers of call — Dual Calling - have your mobile call along with you local extension
Alec Saunders .LOG
Walter White /
Why Municipal Wi-Fi May Be a Bad Investment for Cities — This is a response by Walter White, vice president state and local government, for Verizon Communications, to a March 18 Viewpoint by John Eger titled: "Freeing Cities from Cable and Telco Monopolies."
public ponderings
Chip Chick:
Nyko Nano Sound Stage — Sporting a stylish brushed aluminum and acryllic exterior, Nyko's Sound Stage is a classy little stereo system that also serves as a charging/transfer station for your Nano. A 9 button remote is included to wirelessly give you access your iPods tracks and photos.
Kathy Sierra / Creating Passionate Users:
Announcing The Emo Programmer book — I'm pleased to announce the release of my latest book, The Emo Programmer. Most of you all know my co-author David Heinemeier Hansson (aka David HH) as the guy who created Rails to build 37signals loveable Basecamp application.
greg hughes