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Marvel Comics: stealing our language — Marvel Comics is continuing in its bid to steal the word "super-hero" from the public domain and put it in a lock-box to which it will control the key. Marvel and DC comics jointly filed a trademark on the word "super-hero."
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You Are What You Post — One drizzly night in Seattle in 2001, Josh Santangelo was hanging out on his computer, clicking through an obscure Web site called Fray. After reading a post that asked if anyone had ever had a bad drug trip, the 22-year-old straightened up and began banging away.

MySpace Musings — I just read Danah Boyd's eTech talk and it left me thinking a lot about MySpace and online communities and kids. — There's been a ton of discussion about MySpace and the "danger" that it creates for kids. I was at a dinner last month with a group …

The Horrors Of Bikes (Or The Joy Of MySpace) — Scott Karp lined up beside the alarmist recently with his post about the site MySpace. — Along with calling it "DEEPLY DISTURBING" (caps his) he included a list of alarming headlines. — Sex, Crimes, and MySpace — MySpace Isn't for Advertisers, It's for Sex

Be smarter at work, slack off — In a world of too much work and too much multitasking, the best way to beat the competition may be to do less. — Remember the story of Archimedes lolling in his bathtub? To an observer, he'd have seemed to be wasting time.

The TechCrunch Awards — It's funny that Martin Wells of Tangler brought up the idea of a TechCrunch Web 2.0 Award Party. I've been planning on doing this some time, probably about mid year. — This will be a great event, and an opportunity to really celebrate all of the wonderful innovations created …

Web site files complaint against Google — SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc.'s mysterious methods for ranking Web sites came under attack Friday in a lawsuit accusing the online search engine leader of ruining scores of Internet businesses that have been wrongfully banished from its index.

The Xbox 360 Firmware 100% Hacked - PGR3 Back Up Running *Update* Video Available! — Ok a while ago we brought to you news about how the Xbox 360 firmware routines were still intact.. Well The Specialist has followed this up and it looks like months of hard work have come to an end …

CEO's & Blogging—2nd Try — A whole lot of people have taken me to task for my recent post about CEOs and blogging, including Andy Beal, Ross Mayfield and Jim Estill, the latter two being blogging CEOs whose work I admire. — I spent a part of yesterday fuming that I was being misquoted …

Mashups need to become real products — The mashup is made up of 3 primary ingredients: — 1) content streams (RSS) — 2) muscle and connective tissue (APIs) — 3) pretty skin (AJAX) — But there's one element that seems to be missing from the mashup body out there: intelligence.

GDAY WORLD! #96 - 2web crew #2 — GDAY WORLD! #96 (MP3 - 21Mb- 59min) — LISTEN TO THE PODCAST HERE — On today's show, my guest hosts are my co-founding members of, Ben Barren, Richard Giles, Martin Wells and our newest member Duncan Riley and we talk about:

Google, Nike Debut Joga Soccer Community — Google and Nike have quietly teamed-up to launch Joga, an invitation only social network for soccer enthusiasts, InsideGoogle reports. When I tried to log in with my Gmail account, I received the following message...

Google Doesn't Need to Hand Over Search Logs — Nice - a judge decided that Google doesn't need to hand over 2 months of user's searches. Google, by objecting to the subpoena, now provoked a ruling which they say means "that neither the government nor anyone else has carte blanche when demanding data from Internet companies."

youth speak or Web2.0 company? — When did "q" gain the right to replace "k"? Or "ew" sounds be represented with 3+ "o"s? And since when is "z "such a popular letter in English? And why are we dropping "e"s? And how did words get dots in them?!?! — People often complain …