Top Items:
Scobleizer / Microsoft Geek Blogger:
Getting Naked in Silicon Valley — At about 1 a.m. this morning I was sitting on Michael Arrington's couch talking with the few people who were left over. Topic of conversation: "is this a bubble?" — Yes. Next question. — What kind of bubble is it? — Not an economic one.
Rafe Needleman / Rafe's Blog:
Carded — One indication that Bubble 2.0 is getting out of hand: I was walking down the dark Atherton street to Michael Arrington's house for the latest TechCrunch meetup/party, and a guy approached me from across the street. Before I could tell who it was — practically before I could see him, actually — he said, "Rafe Needleman!
Jeremiah Owyang / Web Strategy by Jeremiah:
PhotoBlog: Naked Convo Party at TechCrunch House — Went to the techcrunch party for Naked Convos book launch. — Atherton is very dark at night. — Met up with Alexa from Omidyar, she had questions about business blogging, so I bought her a book. — Saw James from feedster, he introduced me to some of his colleagues.
Rick Segal / The Post Money Value:
Techcrunch5 - Morning Time in the Valley — While on the west coast for a number of meetings and projects, I was invited to the Techcrunch5 party celebrating Shel and Robert's book launch as well as testing the limits of Michael Arington's neighbors. I wasn't aware you could pack 500 people in a house with only two bathrooms, cool.
Brian Oberkirch / Like It Matters:
Naked Conversations Interview/Launch Party — Holy Techcrush, were there some folks at Mike Arrington's house last night. Great launch party for *the* book on business blogging, Naked Conversations by Robert Scoble & Shel Israel. I did a podcast interview with them this morning (which I'll detail more later).
Scott Beale / Laughing Squid:
Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party Photos
Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party Photos
Jeff Clavier's Software Only
Steve Gillmor / Steve Gillmor's InfoRouter:
Attention Thieves — I've developed a new spray that detects bulls**t. I can't talk too much about the technology until the product launch, but I will demonstrate its usefullness by spraying it on this post by Sam Ruby: — Note that there's nothing left to see.
Adam Green / Darwinian Web:
Here we go again — "Syndication politics are every bit as twisted as any soap opera you'll see on daytime television. Only without the sex. And with a bunch of bearded fat guys in place of the pretty models. " ( Dave Walker) — As a bearded, person of size, who is involved with RSS, I guess I have a right to chime in here.
The Social Software Weblog,,, BlogBridge and
Ryan Block / Engadget:
PlayStation 3 costs $800, sez Merrill Lynch mob — If there are some people out there rightnow who are in the know when it comes to what the hell is going on — we mean really going on — with Sony,it's those investment firms. But even barring their research analysts getting all kinds …
Philip P. Pan / Washington Post:
The Click That Broke a Government's Grip — BEIJING — The top editors of the China Youth Daily were meeting in a conference room last August when their cell phones started buzzing quietly with text messages. One after another, they discreetly read the notes. Then they traded nervous glances.
Guy Kawasaki / Let the Good Times Roll:
How to Suck Up to a Blogger — Blogging has flipped traditional PR on its head. It used to be that ink begat buzz. Life was simple then: you sucked up to the Wall Street Journal, one of its reporters wrote about your product, and the buzz began. … Nowadays buzz begets ink.
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
BlogBurst Can Save Big (print) Media — Pluck demo'd a new product called BlogBurst at our party last night. The service is live but Pluck has not pushed it out for publicity yet. — BlogBurst is a service that takes topical content from pre-approved blogs and provides it to publishers (online newspapers, etc.) for republication.
Jayweintraub / Internet Advertising Analysis …:
FM Blog Ad Network — I subscribe to more blogs than I should, but one I read with relative frequency is Fred Wilson's - A VC, Musings of a VC in NYC. I am not alone as he has more than 30,000 such people - an incredible number in the fragmented world of blogs.
Brian Krebs / Security Fix:
A Interview with 180Solutions' CEO — What follows below is some of the material that ultimately got cut from my magazine piece on botnets and spyware for space considerations. Here's what I wrote about my visit to 180solutions and subsequent interviews with several company executives:
Jeff Jarvis / BuzzMachine:
Time to blow up blogs — Blogs have already become prisoners of their format. Time to light some dynamite. — The problem isn't the tools, it's the templates. Blogging tools are merely content management systems without the million-dollar consultants and bills; that's …
Bloggers Blog:
A Blog Without Comments is Still a Blog — Russell Beattie recently removed comments from his blog. Some bloggers (here, here, here, here, here, here and here) think removing comments is not a good idea. Darren Rowse at ProBlogger also has an interesting post about blogs and comments.
Sip / this is
hell is chrome — "When the devil came / He was not red / He was chrome, and he said / Come with me / You must go / So I went / Where everything was clean / So precise and towering. I was welcomed / With open arms / I received so much help in every way / I felt no fear / I felt no fear." (Wilco)