Top Items:
Dan Farber / Between the Lines:
TechCrunch leads Silicon Valley Web renaissance — I went to the TechCrunch event Friday night, celebrating the publication of Naked Conversations by Shel Israel and Robert Scoble. — Many friends, acquaintances and new faces (pictures here). The party atmosphere reminded …
Tom Raftery's I.T. views:
Sneak peek at edgeio! — I received an invite to take a sneak peek at edgeio this morning - edgeio is Michael Arrington of TechCrunch fame's latest startup. The tagline for edgeio is "Listings from the edge" so the name comes from the word "edge" and "io" (input/output?).
Library Stuff
Webmaster / AMCP Tech Blog:
Preview of Edgeio, the eBay Killer — To day I was invited to test out Edgeio, a Web 2.0 version of eBay. Edgeio was co-founded by TechCrunch writer, Michael Arrington and RealNames founder, Keith Teare. Edgeio is a listing service, much like eBay and allows users to list jobs, housing …
Scobleizer / Microsoft Geek Blogger:
Getting Naked in Silicon Valley — At about 1 a.m. this morning I was sitting on Michael Arrington's couch talking with the few people who were left over. Topic of conversation: "is this a bubble?" — Yes. Next question. — What kind of bubble is it? — Not an economic one.
deal architect,, Mike Davidson, InfoTalk Podcast Series and Susan Mernit's Blog
down the avenue:
Naked Conversations Launch Celebration — Robert Scoble and Shel Israel launched their new book last night at Michael Arrington's house in Atherton, California, with a crowd of 200+ bloggers, press, social media and Web 2.0 types. — The Foldera guys. Note Oliver on the left also writes MobileCrunch with Michael Arrington.
Rafe Needleman / Rafe's Blog:
Carded — One indication that Bubble 2.0 is getting out of hand: I was walking down the dark Atherton street to Michael Arrington's house for the latest TechCrunch meetup/party, and a guy approached me from across the street. Before I could tell who it was — practically before I could see him, actually — he said, "Rafe Needleman!
Jeff Clavier / Jeff Clavier's Software Only:
Stormhoek wines first tasting
Stormhoek wines first tasting
Nik Cubrilovic
Philip P. Pan / Washington Post:
The Click That Broke a Government's Grip — BEIJING — The top editors of the China Youth Daily were meeting in a conference room last August when their cell phones started buzzing quietly with text messages. One after another, they discreetly read the notes. Then they traded nervous glances.
William Safire / New York Times:
Blargon — Every walk of life and field of endeavor generates its own insiders' lingo. Those of us in the MSM — that's the superannuated, archaic mainstream media — have our own jargon, of which the first sentence of an article is the lede, the early edition is the bulldog and the guys working …
Guy Kawasaki / Let the Good Times Roll:
How to Suck Up to a Blogger — Blogging has flipped traditional PR on its head. It used to be that ink begat buzz. Life was simple then: you sucked up to the Wall Street Journal, one of its reporters wrote about your product, and the buzz began. … Nowadays buzz begets ink.
Steve Gillmor / Steve Gillmor's InfoRouter:
Attention Thieves — I've developed a new spray that detects bulls**t. I can't talk too much about the technology until the product launch, but I will demonstrate its usefullness by spraying it on this post by Sam Ruby: — Note that there's nothing left to see.
Adam Green / Darwinian Web:
Here we go again — "Syndication politics are every bit …
Here we go again — "Syndication politics are every bit …
Discussion:, Tinfinger, The Social Software Weblog, BlogBridge and
Todd Bishop / Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
From 'Starter' to 'Ultimate': Site shows six Vistas — Microsoft hasn't yet issued any official announcement detailing the different versions of Windows Vista to be offered, but several online sites are pointing today to a list of them on a help page under development.
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
BlogBurst Can Save Big (print) Media — Pluck demo'd a new product called BlogBurst at our party last night. The service is live but Pluck has not pushed it out for publicity yet. — BlogBurst is a service that takes topical content from pre-approved blogs and provides it to publishers (online newspapers, etc.) for republication.
Mure Dickie / Financial Times:
China's virtual cops pinpoint web dissent — With their big blue blinking eyes and their quirky personal websites, there is no denying the cuteness of the cartoon cops at the front line of China's battle for control of the internet. — But the role played by Jingjing and Chacha …
Smart Mobs
Jayweintraub / Internet Advertising Analysis …:
FM Blog Ad Network — I subscribe to more blogs than I should, but one I read with relative frequency is Fred Wilson's - A VC, Musings of a VC in NYC. I am not alone as he has more than 30,000 such people - an incredible number in the fragmented world of blogs.
Ryan Block / Engadget:
PlayStation 3 costs $800, sez Merrill Lynch mob — If there are some people out there rightnow who are in the know when it comes to what the hell is going on — we mean really going on — with Sony,it's those investment firms. But even barring their research analysts getting all kinds …
Jon Arnold / Jon Arnold's Blog:
ChangeWave's Residential VoIP Research - Part 2 — I recently posted some highlights from this study, and promised to return with Part 2. So, here we go... - Satisfaction with VoIP provider - the million dollar question, esp in light of Vonage's IPO intentions, and all the resultant scrutiny that has focused on their churn stats.
Alec Saunders .LOG