Top Items:

Getting Naked in Silicon Valley — At about 1 a.m. this morning I was sitting on Michael Arrington's couch talking with the few people who were left over. Topic of conversation: "is this a bubble?" — Yes. Next question. — What kind of bubble is it? — Not an economic one.

PhotoBlog: Naked Convo Party at TechCrunch House — Went to the techcrunch party for Naked Convos book launch. — Atherton is very dark at night. — Met up with Alexa from Omidyar, she had questions about business blogging, so I bought her a book. — Saw James from feedster, he introduced me to some of his colleagues.

Naked Conversations Interview/Launch Party — Holy Techcrush, were there some folks at Mike Arrington's house last night. Great launch party for *the* book on business blogging, Naked Conversations by Robert Scoble & Shel Israel. I did a podcast interview with them this morning (which I'll detail more later).
Texas Venture Capital …

Thank You For Coming to TechCrunch 5 — The Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party is now officially over (except for Stowe Boyd and Jason Roberts who are passed out on my couches). The pictures are here and here (tag: "techcrunch5″). — Thank you to everyone who came.

Carded — One indication that Bubble 2.0 is getting out of hand: I was walking down the dark Atherton street to Michael Arrington's house for the latest TechCrunch meetup/party, and a guy approached me from across the street. Before I could tell who it was — practically before I could see him, actually — he said, "Rafe Needleman!

Stormhoek wines first tasting — I finally managed to taste South African Stormhoek's wines last night, at the TechCrunch 5 party. These wines have been primarily marketed through blogs, with the help of uber-blogger (and master cartoonist) Hugh McLeod, and are just about to enter the US market.

PlayStation 3 costs $800, sez Merrill Lynch mob — If there are some people out there rightnow who are in the know when it comes to what the hell is going on — we mean really going on — with Sony,it's those investment firms. But even barring their research analysts getting all kinds …

PlayStation 3 to be delayed? — The North American launch of Sony's much-anticipated PlayStation 3 could be delayed until next year, according to a research report issued by Merrill Lynch. — In the report (Click here for PDF), the analyst firm proposed the idea that high costs …

How to Suck Up to a Blogger — Blogging has flipped traditional PR on its head. It used to be that ink begat buzz. Life was simple then: you sucked up to the Wall Street Journal, one of its reporters wrote about your product, and the buzz began. … Nowadays buzz begets ink.

A Interview with 180Solutions' CEO — What follows below is some of the material that ultimately got cut from my magazine piece on botnets and spyware for space considerations. Here's what I wrote about my visit to 180solutions and subsequent interviews with several company executives:

Time to blow up blogs — Blogs have already become prisoners of their format. Time to light some dynamite. — The problem isn't the tools, it's the templates. Blogging tools are merely content management systems without the million-dollar consultants and bills; that's …

Here we go again — "Syndication politics are every bit as twisted as any soap opera you'll see on daytime television. Only without the sex. And with a bunch of bearded fat guys in place of the pretty models. " ( Dave Walker) — As a bearded, person of size, who is involved with RSS, I guess I have a right to chime in here.
The Social Software Weblog,,, BlogBridge and

A Blog Without Comments is Still a Blog — Russell Beattie recently removed comments from his blog. Some bloggers (here, here, here, here, here, here and here) think removing comments is not a good idea. Darren Rowse at ProBlogger also has an interesting post about blogs and comments.

Senators for Community Wireless! 2 Bills Introduced on Friday in the US Senate. — Major reform is afoot! — Two bills were introduced on Friday that would radically improve unlicensed wireless access. Both bills would greatly improve the general public's access to the public airwaves.

BlogBurst Can Save Big (print) Media — Pluck demo'd a new product called BlogBurst at our party last night. The service is live but Pluck has not pushed it out for publicity yet. — BlogBurst is a service that takes topical content from pre-approved blogs and provides it to publishers (online newspapers, etc.) for republication.