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RSS Means Never Being Board — John Palfrey: … Dave Winer: … As a member of the RSS Advisory Board for the past 21 months and the current chair, I am surprised to learn that the organization doesn't exist. — I joined the board at Winer's invitation in May 2004, not long before he resigned.

Thank You For Coming to TechCrunch 5 — The Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party is now officially over (except for Stowe Boyd and Jason Roberts who are passed out on my couches). The pictures are here and here (tag: "techcrunch5″). — Thank you to everyone who came.
Scripting News

Naked Conversations TechCrunch Party Photos — Several hundred people showed up tonight at the TechCrunch headquarters in Atherton for the Naked Conversations book launch party. Naked Conversations is a recently published book written by Shel Israel & Robert Scoble on the subject of corporate blogging.
Web Strategy by Jeremiah

Software pioneer Bricklin tackles wikis — update If ever someone was going to merge two technologies as disparate as wikis and spreadsheets, VisiCalc creator Dan Bricklin might well be the person for the job. — In 1979, Bricklin released VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet for personal computers.

Senators for Community Wireless! 2 Bills Introduced on Friday in the US Senate. — Major reform is afoot! — Two bills were introduced on Friday that would radically improve unlicensed wireless access. Both bills would greatly improve the general public's access to the public airwaves.

DMCA axes sites discussing Mac OS for PCs … Apple Computer appears to have invoked the Digital Millenium Copyright Act to stop the dissemination of methods allowing Mac OS X to run on chips from Intel and Advanced Micro Devices. — The chatter at the OSx86 Project was stifled Friday …
Voidstar, Rational rants, Engadget, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Boing Boing and MacSlash

PlayStation 3 to be delayed? — The North American launch of Sony's much-anticipated PlayStation 3 could be delayed until next year, according to a research report issued by Merrill Lynch. — In the report (Click here for PDF), the analyst firm proposed the idea that high costs …

Here Comes a Google for Coders — For most people, open source is a synonym for free software. But for programmers, open source is about sharing code, building on the work of others and not having to reinvent the wheel — at least, that's the ideal. In practice, code reuse remains very low …

NBC Lawyers Cut Off SNL's Best Promotional Vehicle In Years — from the brilliant-business-strategy dept. — For years, we've tried to remind people that lawyers understand the law, not business, and why management needs to learn that just because you can do something legally, it doesn't mean you should.

The blog is dead, long live the blog! Anti-blog hype is overblown — Oh boy this is going to stir things up. Daniel Gross of Slate writes in Twilight of the Blogs that business blogs are on the downslide. I can't agree less with him. Sure, I'm biased, I just wrote about my new career via blogging …

BenQ-Siemens Pandora (EF51) — I had a chance to grab a sneak peek into the upcoming line of phones from BenQ-Siemens. Codenamed Pandora (in Asia), this phone is a prototype version of the new company's music phone. I'm quite pleased with the way the new company is churning out sensible phones with attractive designs.

Pragmatics — Someone recently asked me about how to handle an internal product debate around REST vs. SOAP. — In hopes I never have to address this debate again, here's a record of what I told them. — The following design decisions are orthogonal, even though people often conflate two or more of them:
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life

Web 2.0 in the Enterprise - Blogging the TIE Event — The Web 2.0 in the Enterprise panel discussion hosted by TIE was exciting. In fact it wasn't really a panel discussion, rather a most interactive group event. Jeff Clavier as moderator with Charlene Li, Ross Mayfield …

Response to the DoJ motion — In August, Google was served with a subpoena from the U. S. Department of Justice demanding disclosure of two full months' worth of search queries that Google received from its users, as well as all the URLs in Google's index. We objected to the subpoena …
loose wire

An Analysis of Democratically Ordered Link Sites — With so much content floating around the web these days, the powers that be have come up with a way to separate the "spam" from the "ham" by using readers as human classifiers. Web sites like Digg and Reddit allow a user to cast votes for links that other users publish.
ben barren

Nick Carr is a smart guy - but he's wrong — Nicholas Carr is a former editor at the Harvard Business Review. He's written books, he's written for the New York Times, he's spoken at MIT and he's won awards (see Nick's comment below for clarification). I have done none of these things (okay, I won an award once in Grade 6).

Smartvue S2 IP Video Surveillance with Auto Configuration — Prowlers and burglars have a new enemy, and the name is not Jack Bauer (although he will always be their enemy). It's Smartvue; and if the baddies have any sense to them, they'll stay away from any palace protected …