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Twilight of the Blogs — Are they over as a business? — As a cultural phenomenon, blogs are in their gangly adolescence. Every day, thousands of people around the world launch their blogs on LiveJournal or the Iranian equivalent. But as businesses, blogs may have peaked.

Creators, Synthesizers, and Consumers — As Yahoo! has been gobbling up many social media sites over the past year (Flickr, upcoming, I often get asked about how (or whether) we believe these communities will scale. — The question led me to draw the following pyramid on a nearby whiteboard:

Have Blogs Peaked? — According to Slate, it's the beginning of the end for blogs. Based the Sports Illustrated cover story theory - which implies that any person or team touted on the cover is doomed to fail - Slate's Daniel Gross concludes the fun and games are over within the blogosphere …

Looking beyond the twilight of the blogs — [Graphic courtesy of Yahoo's Bradley Horowitz at] — Slate magazine today is running an article titled "Twilight of the Blogs", arguing that all the signs are in place to say that blogging is topping out from a business point of view.

DMCA axes sites discussing Mac OS for PCs … Apple Computer appears to have invoked the Digital Millenium Copyright Act to stop the dissemination of methods allowing Mac OS X to run on chips from Intel and Advanced Micro Devices. — The chatter at the OSx86 Project was stifled Friday …

Why Apple should offer Windows — As someone who likes to get out there and hypothesise, I'm going to half come to the defence of John Dvorak who suggested that Apple may ditch Mac OS for Windows. — Clearly that won't happen, as had been widely accepted and explained around the Blogosphere.

NBC nastygrams YouTube over "Lazy Sunday" — A source at YouTube informs BoingBoing that NBC recently sent the user-submitted video hosting site a nastygram over the Saturday Night Live "Lazy Sunday: Chronicles of Narnia" video. — That's right — NBC's lawyers are beating YouTube …

It's a Wi-Fi kind of town — Chicago seeks proposals for citywide Internet access — The City of Chicago wants to blanket its streets and neighborhoods with a wireless Internet signal, granting residents and visitors access to the Web wherever they are—on streets, in homes, offices and shopping malls.

Here Comes a Google for Coders — For most people, open source is a synonym for free software. But for programmers, open source is about sharing code, building on the work of others and not having to reinvent the wheel — at least, that's the ideal. In practice, code reuse remains very low …

Meet the New Boss, NOT the Same as the Old Boss — CEO Tom Rogers on the Future of TiVo — TiVo CEO Tom Rogers gave an exclusive interview to Bloomberg News earlier this week on Bloomberg's broadcast "Corner Office." He talked about his own life personally as well as what TiVo …

Software pioneer Bricklin tackles wikis — update If ever someone was going to merge two technologies as disparate as wikis and spreadsheets, VisiCalc creator Dan Bricklin might well be the person for the job. — In 1979, Bricklin released VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet for personal computers.

Segway creator unveils his next act — Inventor Dean Kamen wants to put entrepreneurs to work bringing water and electricity to the world's poor. — San Francisco (Business 2.0) - Dean Kamen, the engineer who invented the Segway, is puzzling over a new equation these days.

Dale Begg-Smith & AdsCPM: A Spyware low life Criminal Distributor wins an Olympic Gold Medal for Australia — You can run but you can't hide. If you fail to answer reporters questions in a candid and detailed manner, lots of folks will poke around and discover your checkered past.

BenQ-Siemens Pandora (EF51) — I had a chance to grab a sneak peek into the upcoming line of phones from BenQ-Siemens. Codenamed Pandora (in Asia), this phone is a prototype version of the new company's music phone. I'm quite pleased with the way the new company is churning out sensible phones with attractive designs.

Amazon Will Take On iPod With Its Own Music Player — is preparing to take on Apple Computer in digital music by introducing its own portable music player that would be linked to an online music service, according to several music industry executives involved with negotiations with Amazon.

Web 2.0 in the Enterprise - Blogging the TIE Event — The Web 2.0 in the Enterprise panel discussion hosted by TIE was exciting. In fact it wasn't really a panel discussion, rather a most interactive group event. Jeff Clavier as moderator with Charlene Li, Ross Mayfield …

Is there an optimal size for a reading list? — I was reading Jim Moore's blog for the first time, and I came across this recommendation in his instructions for new users of OPML reading lists: … I've seen this idea before and it's always puzzled me. Amy Bellinger makes the same point:

Invasion of the Computer Snatchers — If you think your computer is safe, think again — In the six hours between crashing into bed and rolling out of it, the 21-year-old hacker has broken into nearly 2,000 personal computers around the globe. He slept while software he wrote scoured …
Alice Hill's Real Tech News

Freedom to Connect — David Isenberg's name pops up occasionally here on WorldChanging, and for good reason. He's one of the more forward-thinking telecom specialists around, and his work on whether to embed "intelligence" in a network or in the devices at the end (the latter is far better) …