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Google shares may fall another 50 pct-Barron's — Feb 12, 2006 — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Shares of Web search leader Google Inc. <GOOG.O> — off 24 percent from highs set last month — could face a further 50 percent decline, Barron's said in the financial weekly's February 13 edition.

In the Drink — INVESTORS HAVE BEEN FIXATED on Google the past few weeks, as its shares have tumbled nearly 25% from a peak of $475 — and the fact is, there could be a lot more tumbling ahead. The share price could well be cut in half over the next year as the Internet giant grapples …

Google Shares to Drop an Additional Fifty-Percent — ABC News reports that Barron's said we can see an additional 50% decline in Google's stock value. As I write this, GOOG is down almost 10 points, from $362 to $353. Barron's says the stock can go as low as "$188, versus its recent $360."

How to Value Ratings With DVR Delay? — WOULD the opening greeting on "Saturday Night Live" sound as compelling if it began "Live plus 24 hours from New York" or "Live plus seven days from New York?" — That is the multibillion-dollar question being asked on Madison Avenue as agencies …

Some of my best friends are z-listers — Adam Green has a suggestion for Doc Searls and his quandry about being a gatekeeper: … Doc is one of the most loyal webloggers I know. As such, he will rarely, if ever, criticize one of his friends. I don't necessarily agree with this, but I can admire his consistency in his support.

No, I own the New Gatekeepers — While I work on both the Johnson Shut-Ins post, in addition to trying to wrap my head around ExpressionEngine modules, there have been some writings too good to miss. — Seth Finkelstein writes New Gatekeepers are still Gatekeepers:
Infothought, Squash, larry borsato, The Doc Searls Weblog, pingswept, Voidstar and gapingvoid

The Next Gatekeepers — Doc Searls post in response to a discussion about The New Gatekeeper's almost made me cry. Poor Doc. I'm only half taking the piss, here, too. It actually was a very touching post and the Doc does come across as very genuine with his Internet as the Great Equaliser ideologies.

Sony Ericsson Launches Two New Candybars — Today, 3:38 AM source: Sony Ericsson — Sony Ericsson at 3GSM this morning launched two new handsets, one at the low end of the spectrum and the other a higher end 3G model. It is likely they will announce additional handsets and initiatives later in the show.

VCs backing `magic' of youth — AFTER POST-BUST LULL, TWENTYSOMETHINGS BACK IN DEMAND — When Jim Breyer, venture capitalist at Accel Partners, courted Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg last year to make an investment in his start-up, he couldn't buy Zuckerberg a drink because he hadn't turned 21.

Microsoft Announces Global Partner Support for its Mobile Messaging Solutions — Device and server offerings designed to help lower costs for businesses. — BARCELONA, Spain — Feb. 13, 2006 — Today at 3GSM World Congress 2006, Microsoft Corp. and its mobile operator and device-maker partners announced …

CoComment is The Best Web 2.0 Service Launched This Year — I love, love, LOVE CoComment! The idea is a good one: bring together your widely scattered blog comments and help you track the replies from around the...err...commentosphere. But not only is the idea good - the execution is excellent.

Microsoft Anti-Spyware Deleting Norton Anti-Virus — Microsoft's Anti-Spyware program is causing troubles for people who also use Symantec's Norton Anti-Virus software; apparently, a recent update to Microsoft's anti-spyware application flags Norton as a password-stealing program and prompts users to remove it.

Why the net should stay neutral — Is it time to let internet companies provide premium access to paying websites and services? No, says technology commentator Bill Thompson. — One of those loud and angry debates that seems to have nothing to do with the rest of the world is currently playing out in the US.
Smart Mobs

3bubbles is cool — but so what? — I hate to be a curmudgeon, but I just don't see the point of something like, which Mike Arrington at TechCrunch profiled recently. I mean, my first response as a geek was hey, this is cool. Click on a link and see a little window pop up where you can chat in real time?

Yahoo! seeks help to fight China censors - report — HONG KONG (AFX) - Yahoo! Inc has called on Internet, media and communication companies and the US government to work together to counter Chinese censorship on the web, the Financial Times reported. — In its online edition …

READING LISTS (OPML) PODCAST: DANNY AYERS AND ADAM GREEN — Last year Dave Winer started to push the idea of Reading Lists for RSS. More recently, the idea of Dynamic Reading Lists and Feed Grazing (or Grazing Lists / Glists) has been kicking around. — Its likely that Reading Lists support …

Edgeio - Mike's Little eBay Killer — I gotta say that I love Edgeio. Mike Arrington called me today and gave me a demo of the new classifieds service he has worked on with Keith Teare. I really can't fault it. It ties in with so much of the stuff that I've been thinking about recently …

Olympus E-330 Evolt SLR Camera preview — Introduction — Olympus has a long history in the digital imaging world. They also have a long history in developing film cameras, and already for quite some years now they have been active in developing the digital compact and d-SLR cameras.

Madison Avenue's 30-Second Spot Remover — FOR sci-fi movie fans, the opening titles of "Alien," Ridley Scott's 1979 voyage through interstellar dread, perfectly evoke the film's ensuing themes. As a series of white rectangles gradually align to form the movie's title …