
Tech Web, page A1 … for 3:20 AM ET, February 13, 2006
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Adi Ignatius / Time:
Meet The Google Guys  —  TIME's Adi Ignatius interviews the Google triumvirate of Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt and Larry Page  —  TIME's Adi Ignatius got the Google triumvirate of Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt and Larry Page to sit for a talk around a table covered with Lego pieces …
Discussion: Traffick and Rex Hammock's Weblog
Adi Ignatius / Time:
In Search Of The Real Google  —  An inside look at how success has changed Larry and Sergey's dream machine.  Can they still be the good guys while running a company worth $100 billion? … It's time to make some big decisions, so the Google guys are slipping on their white lab coats.
Discussion: TechBlog and Paul Kedrosky's …
Shelleyp / Burningbird:
No, I own the New Gatekeepers  —  While I work on both the Johnson Shut-Ins post, in addition to trying to wrap my head around ExpressionEngine modules, there have been some writings too good to miss.  —  Seth Finkelstein writes New Gatekeepers are still Gatekeepers:
Discussion: Squash, Scobleizer and Infothought
Phil Sim / Squash:
The Next Gatekeepers  —  Doc Searls post in response to a discussion about The New Gatekeeper's almost made me cry.  Poor Doc.  I'm only half taking the piss, here, too.  It actually was a very touching post and the Doc does come across as very genuine with his Internet as the Great Equaliser ideologies.
Adam Green / Darwinian Web:
Doc: Let one new blogger through the gate each day  —  Doc Searls is involved in a discussion with Seth Finkelstein over the role of a-list bloggers as gatekeepers, and he seems genuinely concerned about this problem.  He asks how he can change this.  "I'll just add that …
Alexbarn / Alex Barnett blog:
READING LISTS (OPML) PODCAST: DANNY AYERS AND ADAM GREEN  —  Last year Dave Winer started to push the idea of Reading Lists for RSS.  More recently, the idea of Dynamic Reading Lists and Feed Grazing (or Grazing Lists / Glists) has been kicking around.  —  Its likely that Reading Lists support …
Discussion: Raw, BlogBridge, Darwinian Web and Bokardo
Marc / O'Reilly Radar:
Three interesting "Web Development 2.0" responses  —  Aside from everyone giving me hell for using "2.0" in the title, the most frequent response to my Web Development 2.0 post has been how reckless it is to ignore QA as a discipline.  The most thoughtful of these responses came from Jonathan Alexander, in his post, Does QA Matter?
Discussion: and Darwinian Web
Emily Chang / Strategic Designer:
The Agile Web Design Manifesto, An Introduction  —  Co-authored by Emily Chang and Max Kiesler of Ideacodes.  —  On August 20, 1980, Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler were the first to summit Mount Everest without the use of bottled oxygen.  They accomplished this amazing feat by doing what no other expedition had ever done.
Discussion: Vacuum
Pete Cashmore / Mashable*:
3Bubbles - Why I'm Skeptical About Live Chat on Blogs  —  Mike Arrington seems keen on 3Bubbles, a soon-to-launch service that lets you put a live chat window on your blog posts.  But you can put me down as one of the skeptics.  Mike writes: … Well, I'm not so sure.
Jeff Jarvis / BuzzMachine:
Small is the new big is the new line  —  Back in June, I wrote, inspired by some posts by Seth Godin, that small is the new big.  Seth was similarly inspired by his own posts and wrote that small is the new big.  Seth liked the line so much he used it as the title of his new book (and was nice enough to acknowledge the synchronicity).

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