Top Items:

Yahoo! gives up quest for search dominance — Yahoo! Inc., one of the first Internet search companies, has capitulated to Google Inc. in the battle for market dominance. — "We don't think it's reasonable to assume we're going to gain a lot of share from Google," Chief Financial Officer Susan Decker said in an interview.

Yahoo! Giving Up on Search? Hey, Wait Just A Gosh Darn Minute! — So every morning one of the first sites that I visit is Memeorandum. I won't try to over-hype Memeorandum here, as we're all pretty familar with it at this point, but for those of you who have been hiding in the desert under …

Yahoo Cedes Search to Google and So Do I — This story is sure news to me. Yahoo is going on record saying that it's not their goal to be No. 1 in Internet search. "We would be very happy to maintain our market share," CFO Susan Decker told Bloomberg. — That's it, I am no longer using Yahoo Search.

Yahoo Publisher Network Expanding This Spring — Yahoo Publisher Network Expanding This Spring — Yahoo is preparing its answer to Google AdSense, the Yahoo Publisher Network, and has been going about the launch of their contextual advertising offering in a slow and careful fashion.

Blathering in the Blogosphere — I've been watching all the blathering about Yahoo! giving up search dominance to Google, which, I might add, is bulls**t*. Quotes taken out of context by company executives do not an overarching business strategy make. This is exactly the kind of thing …

Yahoo gives up to Google on Search ? You really believe that ?
Business Blog Consulting

Yahoo: Not A Goal To Overtake Google In Search Market Share
Search Engine Journal

From Dan: A Letter to the Bayosphere Community — A little over a year ago, I left the San Jose Mercury News to pursue my passion for what we've come to call "citizen media" — the idea that anyone with something to say could use increasingly powerful and decreasingly expensive tools to say it, potentially for a global audience.

MPAA admits to unauthorized movie copying — What happens when an organization that is best known for inveighing against the unauthorized copying of movies gets caught doing exactly that? The Motion Picture Association of America was caught with its pants down, admitting to making unauthorized copies …

MPPA finds itself accused of piracy
Techdirt, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Life On the Wicked Stage, larry borsato and Smalltalk Tidbits …

Disney buys Pixar — House of Mouse is teaming up with Pixar in a $7.4 billion deal. Steve Jobs to become board member at Disney. — NEW YORK ( - Mickey Mouse and Nemo are now corporate cousins. Walt Disney has announced that it is buying Pixar, the animated studio led …

TimesSelect Draws About 156,000 Web-Only Subs in First 4 Months — NEW YORK About 156,000 people have signed up and paid a special online fee to read The New York Times' columnists since the paper launched its TimesSelect service four months ago, the paper reported Tuesday.
Perceptric Forum

Samsung Pint-Sized Projector Is Real & Here — Samsung is such a cool company. Sony may have the chic, but who else could come up with this little gem. The SP-P300ME is Samsung's new pal-sized pocket projector, costs just £499 ($889), and is available soon.

About that DOJ Request — I've waited several days and thought quite a bit before saying anything about the Department of Justice asking search engines for search data. I waited partly because I didn't want to say something I'd regret, and that was pretty likely to happen early on.
John Battelle's Searchblog

Sprint Nextel Freezes Pension Plans — Competition in Wireless Drives Effort to Cut Labor Costs — Reston-based Sprint Nextel Corp. froze pension plans for almost half of its 80,000 employees and won't offer a fixed retirement benefit to new workers as the company cuts labor costs to compete with other wireless carriers.
Om Malik on Broadband

ArtRage 2.0 - The Review: — A few readers have written in to ask that I do a comparison between ArtRage 2.0, and Alias Sketchbook Pro 2.0. — While Alias Sketchbook Pro costs US $179.00, the full, registered version of ArtRage 2 costs a mere $20. — Does ArtRage 2 stand up to Sketchbook Pro in 2 terms of quality / features?

Opera Mini: Best Mobile Web Browser Bar None — I think the new Opera Mini is just about the best thing I've ever seen on a mobile phone. Really! It's easily the best Java app I've ever seen, and actually I think it's probably the best Mobile Web Browser there is out there - native smart phone apps included.

Google News fatally flawed — By now if you're a web afficianado you'd know that Google News is out of beta . Big deal. The real meat in this story is Google's launch of a personalised news service , which it seems the company has been waiting to complete before it ripped up the beta sticker.
Between the Lines, michael parekh on IT, Matt McAlister, PC World's Techlog and Guardian Unlimited