Top Items:

Yahoo! gives up quest for search dominance — Yahoo! Inc., one of the first Internet search companies, has capitulated to Google Inc. in the battle for market dominance. — "We don't think it's reasonable to assume we're going to gain a lot of share from Google," Chief Financial Officer Susan Decker said in an interview.

Yahoo Cedes Search to Google and So Do I — This story is sure news to me. Yahoo is going on record saying that it's not their goal to be No. 1 in Internet search. "We would be very happy to maintain our market share," CFO Susan Decker told Bloomberg. — That's it, I am no longer using Yahoo Search.

Yahoo! Giving Up on Search? Hey, Wait Just A Gosh Darn Minute! — So every morning one of the first sites that I visit is Memeorandum. I won't try to over-hype Memeorandum here, as we're all pretty familar with it at this point, but for those of you who have been hiding in the desert under …

Yahoo Publisher Network Expanding This Spring — Yahoo Publisher Network Expanding This Spring — Yahoo is preparing its answer to Google AdSense, the Yahoo Publisher Network, and has been going about the launch of their contextual advertising offering in a slow and careful fashion.

Yahoo: Not A Goal To Overtake Google In Search Market Share — Steve Rubel points to a Bloomberg news article, Yahoo! gives up quest for search dominance, examining Yahoo CFO Susan Decker saying "It's not our goal to be No. 1 in Internet search. We would be very happy to maintain our market share."
Search Engine Journal

Yahoo gives up to Google on Search ? You really believe that ?
Business Blog Consulting

From Dan: A Letter to the Bayosphere Community — A little over a year ago, I left the San Jose Mercury News to pursue my passion for what we've come to call "citizen media" — the idea that anyone with something to say could use increasingly powerful and decreasingly expensive tools to say it, potentially for a global audience.
Newsome.Org, Darwinian Web, Mark Evans,, Venture Chronicles, TechBeat,, Poynter Online and Guardian Unlimited

Dan Gillmor tells all on Bayosphere; lessons learned

Disney buys Pixar — House of Mouse is teaming up with Pixar in a $7.4 billion deal. Steve Jobs to become board member at Disney. — NEW YORK ( - Mickey Mouse and Nemo are now corporate cousins. Walt Disney has announced that it is buying Pixar, the animated studio led …

TimesSelect Draws About 156,000 Web-Only Subs in First 4 Months — NEW YORK About 156,000 people have signed up and paid a special online fee to read The New York Times' columnists since the paper launched its TimesSelect service four months ago, the paper reported Tuesday.
Perceptric Forum

About that DOJ Request — I've waited several days and thought quite a bit before saying anything about the Department of Justice asking search engines for search data. I waited partly because I didn't want to say something I'd regret, and that was pretty likely to happen early on.
John Battelle's Searchblog

Opera Mini: Best Mobile Web Browser Bar None — I think the new Opera Mini is just about the best thing I've ever seen on a mobile phone. Really! It's easily the best Java app I've ever seen, and actually I think it's probably the best Mobile Web Browser there is out there - native smart phone apps included.

Apple's iWork emerges as rival to Microsoft Office — Corel bills its WordPerfect Office software as "the world's leading alternative to Microsoft Office." But when it comes to U.S. retail sales, Corel lost the No. 2 spot in 2005 to a somewhat unlikely competitor: Apple Computer's iWork.

Samsung Pint-Sized Projector Is Real & Here — Samsung is such a cool company. Sony may have the chic, but who else could come up with this little gem. The SP-P300ME is Samsung's new pal-sized pocket projector, costs just £499 ($889), and is available soon.

Sprint Nextel Freezes Pension Plans — Competition in Wireless Drives Effort to Cut Labor Costs — Reston-based Sprint Nextel Corp. froze pension plans for almost half of its 80,000 employees and won't offer a fixed retirement benefit to new workers as the company cuts labor costs to compete with other wireless carriers.
Om Malik on Broadband

ArtRage 2.0 - The Review: — A few readers have written in to ask that I do a comparison between ArtRage 2.0, and Alias Sketchbook Pro 2.0. — While Alias Sketchbook Pro costs US $179.00, the full, registered version of ArtRage 2 costs a mere $20. — Does ArtRage 2 stand up to Sketchbook Pro in 2 terms of quality / features?

Microsoft TechED Europe 2006 in Amsterdam cancelled, evolving to 2 events in Barcelona — I just received official documentation that Microsoft TechED Europe 2006 in Amsterdam is cancelled. Teched Europe will evolve to 2 events (merging with IT Forum) and is rescheduled to November 2006 in Barcelona.

The Year of Living DRMishly — This year may be the year that gadget makers finally conquer the living room, replacing DVD players, VCRs and personal video recorders with all-in-one media devices that serve up HDTV, pre-recorded movies and digital music. If so, it will likely also be the year …