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One-stop site for blogs offered — A new Boston website aims to bring order to the tens of millions of weblogs proliferating online and provide one-stop shopping for overwhelmed Internet surfers. In the process, it could put some cash in the pockets of Internet scribes pecking away in obscurity.

Shall we Gather at the (funding) river — It's always nice to see startups — particularly those in the social-media, Web 2.0-type landscape — get some funding, so I don't want to dump on, which has not only received $6-million in financing from Lotus founder Jim Manzi and VC group Allen & Co. …

Gather Aims to Build a Blog Content Marketplace — Gather has been getting fair amount of media attention over the last several weeks. The site is a marketplace for blog content and they are actively recruiting bloggers by offering them a share of their ad revenue.
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Windows Wireless Flaw a Danger to Laptops — At the ShmooCon gathering in Washington, D.C., today, old-school hacker and mischief maker Mark "Simple Nomad" Loveless released information on a staggeringly simple but very dangerous wireless security problem with a feature built …

Web 2.0: `a read and write mechanism' — Michael Arrington, founder and writer of TechCrunch, has become a go-to person for many of the new Silicon Valley Internet companies hoping to strike it big. — Foremost for the companies is to get featured in TechCrunch ( …

Intel drops "Pentium" brand — Chicago (IL) - Intel has made a final decision to get rid of one of its oldest and most valuable brands, sources told TG Daily: "Pentium," unveiled in 1993 for its P5 processor generation, will begin to quietly disappear in the current CPU generation …

Microsoft working with Apple on future of Virtual PC — Just days after renewing its commitment to develop Office for the Mac, Microsoft revealed that it is also working with Apple to bring Virtual PC to its new Intel-architecture. — According to MacNN, Microsoft said any new version …

A Tylenol testimonial — I've been sick. My head began getting stuffy on my plane flights from Oakland to Santa Barbara the day before yesterday. Then yesterday a fever came. By evening it was a just under 103 degrees and I became useless and miserable (the former bothering me more than the latter).

Sony Ericsson P970 ? — It seems Sony Ericsson is working on a budget version of the upcoming Sony Ericsson P990 probably the P970 or P980. The stripped down version might not have a QWERTY keyboard. It will be smaller and much slimmer than the P990 probably by discarding Wi-Fi and 3G.

Hey, Baby Bells: Information Still Wants to Be Free — AT the top of my wish list for next year's Consumer Electronics Show is this: the introduction of broadband service across the country that is as up to date as that 103-inch flat-screen monitor just introduced by Panasonic.

The Problem with Webcasting — A cast that can be imprisoning — There's a new restriction on content waiting in the wings—a "webcaster's right" that allows websites to control the dissemination of content they put up. With this new privilege, they'll be able to prevent retransmission …

Could Yahoo Music become Apple iPod's Achilles's heel? — I hate my CDs. I hate them because they take up several large boxes and they follow me from apartment to apartment. — I ripped some of them onto my hard drive-but my jukebox is scattered across several laptops from different eras of my life.

Who'd a thunk? — A perceptive Slashdotter notes that we just witnessed a remarkable turn of events in the computer business. Consider: — October 6, 1997: "When it comes to the state of Apple Computer, everyone has an opinion. And at the Gartner Symposium and ITxpo97 here today …