
Tech Web, page A1 … for 3:50 PM ET, January 14, 2006
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Top Items:

Quinn Norton / Wired News:
Covert Crawler Descends on Web  —  WASHINGTON DC — Websites get looked at by two different kinds of visitors: the human ones who peer around, look at the graphics, think about the links and click slowly; and the spiders, those automated scanners that come in from search engines like Google …
Discussion: OpsanBlog
Jessie Seyfer /
BlackBerry picking partners  —  GOOGLE, POCKETMAC DEALS BOOST FEATURES  —  Even Google appears to have a bit of a BlackBerry addiction.  —  Research In Motion, makers of the BlackBerry e-mail and phone device, announced partnerships Thursday with Google and an Apple accessory maker …
Russell Shaw / IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband:
Why BlackBerry's Google Talk won't offer voice
Discussion: and BBHub
Robert McMillan / InfoWorld:
Security vendors looking to define 'rootkit'  —  Symantec, Anti-Spyware Coalition hope to ease confusion over cloaking techniques  —  After being criticized for including rootkit-like cloaking software in its Norton SystemWorks product, security vendor Symantec (Profile, Products, Articles) …
Michael Hopkin / Nature:
Web users judge sites in the blink of an eye  —  Potential readers can make snap decisions in just 50 milliseconds.  —  Like the look of our website?  Whatever the answer (and hopefully it was yes), the chances are you made your mind up within the first twentieth of a second.
Stepto / the Microsoft Security Response Center Blog:
Looking at the WMF issue, how did it get there?  —  Hi everyone, Stephen Toulouse here.  Now that the monthly release has passed and people are deploying the updates I wanted to take a moment to discuss some things related to questions we've been receiving on the recent WMF issue.
John Gruber / Daring Fireball:
iLife '06 From the Perspective of an Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal Interface  —  WEDNESDAY, 11 JANUARY 2006, THE DAY AFTER THE MACWORLD EXPO KEYNOTE ADDRESS, 8:30 AM PACIFIC … SAFARI: Hey.  Brushed.  What's up?  —  BRUSHED METAL: Ah, you know.  In the neighborhood, figured I'd stop by.
Discussion: The Tao of Mac
600,000 Xbox 360 game units sold in US: group  —  LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT - news) has sold 600,000 of its new Xbox 360 video game consoles in the United States since its November launch, an analyst for market researcher NPD Group said on Friday.
Discussion: Joystiq and Microsoft News Tracker
William Slawski / SEO by the SEA:
Google's most popular and least popular top level domains  —  What are the most popularly used top level domains, or at least, which are the ones that show up on pages indexed in Google?  —  I wondered this yesterday after seeing a news article stating that the registration of .cn (china) …
Discussion: Search Engine Journal
Digital DJs 'unaware of copy law'  —  Many DJs are still unwittingly breaking the law by playing unlicensed digital copies of tracks months after a new permit scheme began, the BBC has found.  —  The annual licences, costing £200 plus VAT, were introduced by royalty collection agency PPL in September.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
A virtual catalog  —  The focus of the company is Delicious Library, which lets Mac users create visual on-screen representations of their personal collections of books, CDs, movies and video games.  It taps into's system to display images of the items on virtual shelves …
Susan Kuchinskas /
PodZinger Launches Audio Search Service  —  Now consumers can use the same technology used by the CIA to find podcasts.  —  PodZinger officially launched its audio search service on Wednesday, based on speech recognition software that parent company BBN Technologies sells to government agencies.
David Chartier / The Unofficial Apple Weblog:
Video of MacBook Pro in action  —  While our own Scott McNulty got his hands on a MacBook Pro atMacworld, this is what I've been waiting to see: honest to goodness video of a MacBook Pro in action.  TUAW readers Kevin and Peter fromtheory.isthereason have a video of an Apple …
David / David Jensenius Music:
Capturing the Wumpus  —  Performance notes, audio, and video from November 2005 performance.  —  The Flux Quartet must capture the Wumpus (Anne Rhodes) As each performer navigates through the space they sense a breeze warning of a pit, or a stench warning of a Wumpus.
Discussion: we make money not art
Scott M. Fulton, III /
Analysis: Just how different are Intel-Macs from Intel PCs?  —  San Francisco (CA) - The very first Apple computers, distributed nationwide in 1977, had a hood you could pry off to reveal the CPU, the memory, and the motherboard.  But almost three decades later, the company that pioneered …

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More Items:

Evan Blass / Engadget:
Wal-Mart employees expose terror cell's bulk phone purchase
Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog:
Live at Macworld: Getting Videos Into Your iPod, One-Click Version
Discussion: A VC
Jeremy / POP! PR Jots:
It's Not About SEO - It's About PR
Clear my Tracks: yes please!!!!

Earlier Picks:

MikeG / Mike Grehan says:
[Warning: This post may contain traces of strong language.
Sewell Chan / New York Times:
Doubts Cloud Plan for Cellphone Service in Subway Stations
Robert X. Cringely /
Win Some, Lose Some  —  Bob's Prediction Average Was Down for 2005 …
Discussion: Jeffrey McManus
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