Top Items:
Peter Burrows / Business Week:
How Apple Could Mess Up, Again — The Innovator's Dilemma author Clayton Christensen outlines his case for why Apple's propietary strategy will soon fail, just as it did before … These days it's hard to find a pundit willing to question Apple Computer's (AAPL) long-term prospects or the calls of its famous CEO, Steve Jobs.
John Markoff / New York Times:
U.S. Office Joins an Effort to Improve Software Patents — The United States Patent and Trademark Office plans to announce today that it will cooperate with open-source software developers on three initiatives that it says will improve the quality of software patents.
Martin LaMonica / CNET
IBM taps open source to improve patent quality
IBM taps open source to improve patent quality
Shelleyp / Burningbird:
Debate on DRM — Doc Searls points to a weblog post by the Guardian Unlimited's Lloyd Shepherd on DRM and says it's one of the most depressing things he's read. Shepherd wrote: … Doc points to others making arguments in refutation of Shepherd's thesis (Tom Coates and Julian Bond), and ends his post with:
Between the Lines, Disinfotainment, IP Democracy, Voidstar, Jon's Radio and The Doc Searls Weblog
Nat / O'Reilly Radar:
Digging The Madness of Crowds — Earlier today, O'Reilly found itself at the center of a controversy on the popular news site, Steve Mallett, O'Reilly Network editor and blogger, was very publicly accused, via a Digg story, of stealing Digg's CSS pages.
Web 2.0 Explorer, Venture Chronicles, ben barren, Steve's Theft, TJ's Weblog, Mashable*, Geeking with Greg, SiliconBeat and The New Foo
Robert McMillan / InfoWorld:
Two new WMF bugs found — Security experts say latest vulerabilities less serious than the one Microsoft patched last week — Just days after Microsoft (Profile, Products, Articles) Corp. patched a critical vulnerability in the way the Windows operating system renders certain types of graphics files …
Alice Hill's Real Tech News
Mike / Techdirt:
We Sat Around Waiting For Google Video And All We Got Was This? — from the needs-a-bit-of-work-it-appears dept. — Remember the good old days when Google used to "wow" people with their new products? AdSense. Gmail. Google Maps. These were products that took what was apparently …
Munjal / Recognizing Deven:
Going to the Moon — At Riya we have a dream to completely change how people search photos. One day, Riya will help you search and find every digital photo in the world. That day is far off, but today we got the investment we need to get there. — I'm announcing first here on my blog …
Hugh Macleod / gapingvoid:
TOP TEN BLOGGER LIES — 1. I don't consider myself an A-Lister. — No, but I turn up for speaking gigs at all the big conferences anyway. Uh-huh. — 2. I don't care about traffic. — Of course I don't. Even though I'm a freelance consultant, and my blog is my primary way of marketing myself.
Danny Sullivan / Search Engine Watch Blog:
Search Engines As Leeches, The Difference Between Paid & Free Listings & Keyword Price Rises — Jakob Nielsen's just posted a Search Engines as Leeches on the Web article that makes a good point, don't be too search engine dependent. However, he muddles his point by confusing the issue …
Nancy Hass / New York Times:
In Your — AS far as Kyle Stoneman is concerned, the campus police were the ones who started the Facebook wars. "We were just being, well, college students, and they used it against us," says Mr. Stoneman, a senior at George Washington University in Washington.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
Fiber-optics cut affects Sprint service — KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Sprint Nextel Corp.'s wireless, long-distance and Internet customers along the West Coast were without service for several hours Monday after a fiber-optic cable was cut west of Phoenix. — The problem was compounded …
Julie Bosman / New York Times:
Apple to Sell S.N.L. Skits for iPod Use — "Saturday Night Live" fans looking to watch classic skits from the show may not have to depend on reruns and DVD compilations for long. — Apple is set to announce today that it will sell a limited number of archived "Saturday Night" …
Don't Invent XML Languages — The X in XML stands for "Extensible"; one big selling point is that you can invent your own XML languages to help you solve your own problems. But I've become convinced, over the last couple of years, that you shouldn't. Unless you really have to. This piece explains why.
Edward Jay Epstein / Slate:
Hollywood's New Zombie — The last days of Blockbuster. — In 1998, at the dawn of the age of the DVD, Blockbuster made a decision that would change the future of Hollywood. Warren Lieberfarb, who then headed the home-video division of Warner Bros., offered Blockbuster CEO John Antioco …
Michael Kanellos / CNET
A DVD combo? Don't hold your breath — For consumers, a device that could play both HD DVDs and Blu-ray discs would take a lot of risk out of adopting the new video players—but one may not arrive for a while. — Legal agreements, intellectual property issues and technological pride …
Digital Tech Life