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I don't want everything to be full-text — I use my RSS feeds as notification. I want to scan. — I want to somehow squeeze the juice out of a couple of hundred feeds, leave the pulp behind, and spend the real time on the six to nine posts a day which are worth three to five minutes each.

Back to reading feeds... I'll be honest. I haven't been reading many feeds for the past couple of months. Got too busy and got caught up reading Memeorandum. So just let the whole feed thing slide a bit. But, I noticed I was missing the little things.

Calling Out the Cable Guy — TERRY DENSON and Dan York are not exactly boldface names in entertainment industry circles, but perhaps they should be. After all, nearly $30 billion and the future of two Baby Bells hang in part on whether these two refugees from the television programming world find success in their new jobs.

Time to allow hard drives pre loaded with Music....and change Harry Fox — its the simplest of ideas. Take any MP3 player, Ipod, PSP, whatever and pre load it with songs. With 30, 60 and 100gbs capacities, the potential is amazing. How simple it would be if the user could sample and choose.
Scripting News

300GB disc set to challenge DVD — Holographics enters the mainstream — A computer disc about the size of a DVD that can hold 60 times more data will go on sale in 2006, according to its American developer InPhase Technologies, a Lucent spin off. — The discs, holding 300GB each …
michael parekh on IT

99 USEFUL RUN COMMANDS — Do you use the Run feature in Windows XP? For most, this feature remains unused (or rarely used). Why is that? Well, First off nearly all of the Run Commands Correspond to a particular Control Panel Item or a Utility, Tool or Task that can be accessed through Windows.

Why aren't Bloglines or Newsgator OPML Editor compatible? — I kept trying to open my OPML file in the OPML Editor and it wouldn't open. I had a few complaints about that as well. I tried both the OPML file that NewsGator exported as well as the one that Bloglines exported.
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Electric Clothing Stain Remover — I wonder if this gadget works as well as it says because if it does, I can think of countless times when the electric stain remover would have come in handy. Stains always seem to get me as I'm about to walk out the door, so I have to choose between blotting …

User Agents — I woke up this morning thinking about User Agents (ok - I was also thinking about Naomi Watts and Sean Penn who were amazing in 21 Grams.) A commenter on my Personalize Feed post pointed out that most of the big online aggregators include subscriber counts in their user-agent headers …
cruel to be kind, Guardian Unlimited, Texas Venture Capital …, InsideGoogle and ben barren

Greedy Grateful Dead widow burns down online show-library — A reader writes, … This is pretty disappointing. Deadheads made the Grateful Dead some pretty substantial fortunes over the years by acting as unpaid, volunteer evangelists for their commercial offerings.

Wireless Moves the Cash Register Where You Are — When Michelle Dubé, a golf instructor in Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., finishes a lesson, she whips out her BlackBerry wireless device - to schedule the next appointment, sure, but also to swipe the student's credit card for payment right there on the driving range.

Microsoft plans 300,000 Xbox 360s at Europe launch — FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Microsoft will have around 300,000 of its new Xbox 360 games console available for its European launch on December 2, a Microsoft executive said in an interview published on Sunday.
The Blackfriars Blog

New Tools, Video Trials, and Services from AOL and MSN — During my daily work I come across lots of interesting, often non-search related items, (yes, it's possible) that I think are deserving of notice. Sometimes, as in today's roundup, they come from some of the big names in online.

A new content distribution plan for online publishers — Dick Costolo of Feedburner published his view of the future of RSS and where his company fits into it on the Feedburner blog. Among several interesting ideas, he states a vision of the future based on the items within RSS feeds as opposed to the feeds themselves.