Top Items:
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Yahoo Shoposphere Just Launched — Yahoo Shoposphere launches tonight (well, officially at 6 am EST tomorrow, but I've gotten permission to write about it tonight). I met with Rob Solomon, Yahoo's GM of Shopping, and Sabrina Crider, a Yahoo PR Manager, last week to take it for a test drive.
Yahoo! Search blog:
Social Commerce via the Shoposphere & Pick Lists — Today we released the Shoposphere and Pick Lists beta, plus enhancements to our core shopping search capabilities, which we hope you'll try out during your holiday gift-giving spree. — The Shoposphere and Pick Lists are examples of social commerce.
Ethan /
Google: Start acting like a real business or you're doomed — Zvents is an Urchin hosted customer. Yes, customer, as in we pay Google $200 per month to provide our web stats to us. We have been very happy with the quality of the tools that Urchin provides, but intermittently unhappy …
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Google Analytics Swings at Measure Map — Google took the wrapper off Analytics today. It is a rebranding of their Urchin acquisition from earlier this year. — It works in much the same way as MeasureMap - using it requires the addition of javascript into a couple of files on your blog.
Steve Rubel / Micro Persuasion:
Ten Blogging Hacks — Since my last three "hack" posts on bookmarklets, RSS and Technorati were so popular, I thought I would follow up with my ten favorite blogging hacks. Don't ask me why, but I like the number 10. These work on most if not all of the major weblog platforms, including TypePad, Blogger and Wordpress.
Ina Fried / CNET
Microsoft eyes making desktop apps free — Even as Microsoft readies a host of new ad-supported online services to battle rivals, the software maker has been mulling a plan to offer free, ad-supported versions of some of its desktop products, CNET has learned.
Hell Yeah
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Amazon Tags — Amazon is integrating user tagging into product pages (see image below). — Tags are public by default and can be managed under a "your tags" area that I am failing to find. You must first select a "Real Name" (odd choice of names given the old company called RealNames).
Ed Felten / Freedom to Tinker:
Don't Use Sony's Web-based XCP Uninstaller — Alex Halderman and I have confirmed that Sony's Web-based XCP uninstallation utility exposes users to serious security risk. Under at least some circumstances, running Sony's Web-based uninstaller opens a huge security hole on your computer.
Mandriva Linux 2006 review — The Desktop Linux Showcase — Part two — This is the followup to part one of the Mandriva 2006 Review. Next to a discussion of the features of Mandriva Linux 2006, the used software and hardware, the installation of the system and the first impressions …
Xbox 360 High Definition FAQ — I posted this on Team Xbox because of the rampant confusion regarding the high definition capabilities of the Xbox 360. Figured it could get some play here as well. — Q. Is it true that I have to use a high definition television with the Xbox 360? — A. This is false.
Paul Bond / Reuters:
Study finds TiVo losing ground among DVR users — LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - TiVo Inc. has created a digital video recorder with a name that has worked its way into the American lexicon, but its reputation among users and would-be users is beginning to erode amid generic competitors …
IT Facts
Chris Marlowe / Reuters:
Virgin flashes Red Pass for digital music — LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Virgin Group Ltd. on Monday is set to launch Virgin Digital Red Pass, the latest choice in the increasingly competitive field of comprehensive subscription music services. In addition to its library and package …
John C. Tanner /
ROKR not rocking Hong Kong's world — Two months after its launch in Hong Kong, the Motorola ROKR is generating little buzz on the front lines across Hong Kong's retail outlets, despite its iTunes feature, a mid-range market price ($230-255), and a host of rebates and subsidy packages.
John Borland / CNET
Grassroots 'taste makers' define opinions — Late on a Sunday evening last month, a caravan of mildly intoxicated moviegoers wound their way down a dark gravel road to a shooting range at the outskirts of Austin, Texas. — Most of the cars were coming from an advance screening of the film …