Top Items:
Ethan /
Google: Start acting like a real business or you're doomed — Zvents is an Urchin hosted customer. Yes, customer, as in we pay Google $200 per month to provide our web stats to us. We have been very happy with the quality of the tools that Urchin provides, but intermittently unhappy …
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Google Analytics Swings at Measure Map — Google took the wrapper off Analytics today. It is a rebranding of their Urchin acquisition from earlier this year. — It works in much the same way as MeasureMap - using it requires the addition of javascript into a couple of files on your blog.
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Amazon Tags — Amazon is integrating user tagging into product pages (see image below). — Tags are public by default and can be managed under a "your tags" area that I am failing to find. You must first select a "Real Name" (odd choice of names given the old company called RealNames).
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Yahoo Shoposphere Just Launched — Yahoo Shoposphere launches tonight (well, officially at 6 am EST tomorrow, but I've gotten permission to write about it tonight). I met with Rob Solomon, Yahoo's GM of Shopping, and Sabrina Crider, a Yahoo PR Manager, last week to take it for a test drive.
Yahoo! Search blog:
Social Commerce via the Shoposphere & Pick Lists — Today we released the Shoposphere and Pick Lists beta, plus enhancements to our core shopping search capabilities, which we hope you'll try out during your holiday gift-giving spree. — The Shoposphere and Pick Lists are examples of social commerce.
Search Engine Journal
Steve Rubel / Micro Persuasion:
Ten Blogging Hacks — Since my last three "hack" posts on bookmarklets, RSS and Technorati were so popular, I thought I would follow up with my ten favorite blogging hacks. Don't ask me why, but I like the number 10. These work on most if not all of the major weblog platforms, including TypePad, Blogger and Wordpress.
Susan Rush /
Visage Supports New MVNO — Voce, a planned MVNO targeting the luxury market, is calling on mobile virtual network enabler Visage Mobile to support its planned service. The upscale MVNO will operate on Cingular Wireless' network. — As part of the agreement, Visage will deliver its Visage MVNO platform …
Ina Fried / CNET
Microsoft eyes making desktop apps free — Even as Microsoft readies a host of new ad-supported online services to battle rivals, the software maker has been mulling a plan to offer free, ad-supported versions of some of its desktop products, CNET has learned.
Hell Yeah
Om Malik / The Next Generation Internet:
The Archive Monetization Principle — Nick@Nite, move over. AOL In2TV is here. America Online 2.0 is going to offer the classic television shows from Time Warner archives to viewers for free. Batman cartoons.... oh yeah! I share Michael Parekh's enthusiasm over this development.
Ed Felten / Freedom to Tinker:
Don't Use Sony's Web-based XCP Uninstaller — Alex Halderman and I have confirmed that Sony's Web-based XCP uninstallation utility exposes users to serious security risk. Under at least some circumstances, running Sony's Web-based uninstaller opens a huge security hole on your computer.
Xbox 360 High Definition FAQ — I posted this on Team Xbox because of the rampant confusion regarding the high definition capabilities of the Xbox 360. Figured it could get some play here as well. — Q. Is it true that I have to use a high definition television with the Xbox 360? — A. This is false.
Mandriva Linux 2006 review — The Desktop Linux Showcase — Part two — This is the followup to part one of the Mandriva 2006 Review. Next to a discussion of the features of Mandriva Linux 2006, the used software and hardware, the installation of the system and the first impressions …
Can Microsoft out-Google Google? — What will the Internet look like 10 years from now? Will it look more like one big pay-per-view channel, or more like an open street fair, or will it be somewhere in between? The answer will be heavily influenced, of course, by the competition between …
Paul Bond / Reuters:
Study finds TiVo losing ground among DVR users — LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - TiVo Inc. has created a digital video recorder with a name that has worked its way into the American lexicon, but its reputation among users and would-be users is beginning to erode amid generic competitors …
IT Facts
Sony Ericsson expands portfolio with three handsets offering the best combination of design excellence, simplicity and value — November 14 2005, London - Sony Ericsson is strengthening its product line-up with the introduction of three new handsets offering a combination of design quality …