Top Items:
Scobleizer / Microsoft Geek Blogger:
RSS usability sucks — At the Blog Business Summit yesterday we discovered just how bad RSS usability sucks. Molly Holzschalg was on stage with me and visited a blog and was trying to find its RSS feed. She couldn't find it. Why? Cause there's no consistency in this industry on how to subscribe.
So you want to get a Tablet PC — Marc Orchant, Warner Crocker and I had a discussion on the current OnTheRun with Tablet PCs podcast that touched on how to choose the right type of Tablet PC for you. The expanding number and types of Tablet PCs available today makes the task of finding the right one even more daunting than ever.
OnTheRun with Tablet PCs #1- Warner Crocker interview — OnTheRun with Tablet PCs is the podcast all about ink and slate and show #1 is the inaugural effort of James Kendrick and Marc Orchant. This show features a special guest- the newest Tablet PC MVP Warner Crocker and covers a range of topics about the Tablet PC.
Scobleizer / Microsoft Geek Blogger:' RSS feeds suck — Update: since writing this post WordPress's feeds started validating. That needs to be pointed out because I've found the WordPress team is remarkably fast at listening to its users and implementing fixes and features. Yesterday at the Blog Business Summit …
Jodi Kantor / New York Times:
The Extra-Large, Ultra-Small Medium — ON Monday morning, news networks were breathlessly covering two entirely different hurricanes. The first blew off the screen in all its fury, droplets speeding by, stop signs spinning, palm fronds flying and strands of soaked hair clinging to correspondents' foreheads.
IP Democracy
Richard Siklos / New York Times:
What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate — JOHN F. STREET, the mayor of Philadelphia, perhaps put it best at the announcement of a new corporate headquarters for the Comcast Corporation early this year: "As Microsoft is to Seattle and Coca-Cola is to Atlanta, Comcast is a symbol of Philadelphia's growth and innovation."
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Blogniscient v. Memeorandum — Ben Ruedlinger's Blogniscient relaunched today with a completely new look and feel. An old screenshot of the service is here. — Blogniscient is a blog news organizer that, like Memeorandum, uses a propreitary algorithm for determining what's hot in the blogosphere at any given time.
Jonathan Riddell / KDE Dot News:
Free Remote KDE Desktops from — offers free remote KDE desktops over NX. Anyone can sign up to have their own desktop accessible from any computer with a network connection. CosmoPOP uses KDE's Kiosk framework to ensure security for their system.
Steve Gillmor / ZDNet:
Attention Bunny — When Robert Scoble reported on our late night conversation after the Berkeley meat-up Monday night, I briefly panicked when I realized he had really gotten what I've been talking about with regards to attention. Then I calmed down, figuring he'd forget it all after a good night's sleep.
Tag Camp Day Two Notes and Podcast — The second and final day of Tag Camp was certainly interesting. Like the first day, there were three formal channels of presentations, as well as a wide variety of informal discussions taking place in the main area. — The highlights of my day were …
Nick Bradbury:
OPML Validator Beta — It's great to see that Dave Winer is working on an OPML Validator - this is a big help to aggregator developers who wish to ensure OPML import/export compatibility with each other, so my thanks to Dave for investing his time in this. — I have to confess …
Fons / China Herald:
internet - Typepad seems blocked — The webhosting service typepad seems blocked in China. A few people asked me to check it earlier today, but since the services was having major problems because it was moving from one data center to another, I first believed that could explain access problems.
Dave Taylor / The Intuitive Life Business Blog:
Forbes "Attack of the Blogs" is surprisingly accurate — Alright, I'll admit up front, this article is deliberately going to take the opposite tack to the vast majority of bloggers who are, predictably, jumping to the defense of the blogosphere after Forbes Magazine published a feature by Daniel Lyons entitled Attack of the Blogs.
Tom's Hardware Guide:
The $500 Gaming Machine — The Budget Gaming PC Challenge — If you are like this writer, your passion for the latest and greatest technology is bigger than your wallet. Let's face it, most of us can afford to fork over the occasional $50 for the latest game title …