Top Items:
Bart / assault and bartery:
Flock, Firefox and open source — In recent weeks, several folks have asked why Flock is building a browser, not an extension, and about our relationship to the Mozilla community. Let me try to address some of these questions. — Some background info — I've been a member of the open source community for about six years now.
newsmotto! blog
Advanced browser gives taste of Web 2.0 — A cutting edge Firefox-based Web browser dubbed 'Flock', which integrates next-generation Web technologies such as RSS content feeds, blogs and bookmark and photo sharing, was launched today. — The browser was developed in California by a small team …
Fred / WeBreakStuff:
Flock? Okay, but wait a second — So Mike just posted the scoop on Techcrunch that Flock will be launching today at 3pm. As a web lover (it's actually how I make my living too), there's a couple of things that I am concerned about with the release of a new browser - or if you want to be technical …
Shore Communications Inc., PC World's Techlog, ben barren, ThePodcastNetwork and Paul Kedrosky's …
Google 3rd-Qtr Net Jumps as Advertising Sales Surge (Update2) — Listen — Oct. 20 (Bloomberg) — Google Inc., the No. 1 Internet search engine, said profit jumped sevenfold, surpassing analysts' estimates, as new mapping and instant messaging features attracted users and the company added advertising space.
Gary Price / Search Engine Watch Blog:
Google Releases Q3 2005 Earnings — Google has just released their Q3 2005 earnings, as covered in this press release. … From The WSJ/Dow Jones … From the Google News Release — + GAAP net income for the third quarter was $381 million as compared to $343 million in the second quarter, an increase of 11%.
Dave Winer /
A turning point for the web? — Kevin Werbach wonders if this is the moment when the Internet came apart at the seams. Pretty dramatic thought, but I don't think so. Let's take a look at what's going on that makes Werbach wonder about that. — Google wants to view printed books the same way it views websites.
Scripting News
Ryan Singel / Wired News:
Cliff Notes From the Blog World — Blog addicts overwhelmed by information may have found their savior. — Memeorandum, which started with a focus on political blogs in 2004 and launched a technology version just weeks ago, aims to be the automated newspaper of the online world.
Like It Matters
Seo Book / Aaron Wall's SEO
NEW GOOGLE ADWORDS KEYWORD SUGGESTION TOOL — A while ago I reviewed a ton of keyword research tools, but most of them are lacking in serious user data, which makes them top heavy, and forces people to only see the most common terms. — For the longest time it seemed as though Google …
Search Engine Watch Blog
The Odeo Blog:
Podcasting for Regular People — There are a lot of reasons to be excited about podcasting. — There's the fact that radio producers have moved to podcasting at a rapid clip and made tons of great content that was only available in certain locations at certain times downloadable and enjoyable at the listener's demand.
Joel Spolsky / Joel on Software:
Architecture Astronauts Are Back — I'm starting to see a new round of pure architecture astronautics: meaningless stringing-together of new economy buzzwords in an attempt to sound erudite. — When I wrote my original complaint about architecture astronauts more than four years ago, it was P2P this and messaging that.
Book author to her publishing company: your lawsuit is not helping me or my book — I got an email this morning from a reader, Meghann Marco. She's an author and struggling to get her book out into the hands of people who might be interested in reading it.
O'Reilly Radar, Search Engine Watch Blog,, Google Blogoscoped and Boing Boing
Russ / Russell Beattie Notebook:
My New iPod: Video Podcasting Is Going to Be BIG — I couldn't resist - I got the new 30GB White iPod yesterday and it completely rocks. Apple did a great job with this gadget. Much thinner than previous iPods, super-fast syncing over USB, and the screen is *great*.
Lawrence Lessig / Creative Commons Blog:
CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on Interoperability — [This is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig and others about the history and future of Creative Commons. Alternatively, if you know others who might find these interesting, please recommend they sign up at letter]
Ted Leung on the air:
Aperture induced ponderings — My drooling over Aperture produced some other thoughts. — In the wake of this month's Web 2.0 conference, there's been yet another round of "all applications are moving to the web". Aperture is an application that would be very hard to do on the web.