Top Items:

The point of Google Print — You may have read about the AAP's lawsuit announced today which objects to Google Print. We'll post our comments about that soon. Meanwhile, we offer this commentary from Eric Schmidt. It ran on the op-ed page of yesterday's Wall Street Journal …

Why we believe in Google Print — We've been asked recently why we're so determined to pursue Google Print, even though it has drawn industry opposition in the form of two lawsuits, the most recent coming today from several members of the American Association of Publishers.

Throwing the Books at Google — Just weeks after a leading authors' organization sued Google for copyright infringement, the Association of American Publishers has also filed suit against the search engine giant's plans to scan and index books for the internet.

No Head-Scratching at eBay About Skype's Potential — If up to $4.1 billion wasn't enough to prove eBay's serious about just-acquired Skype, executive comments Wednesday sure did. And executive moves: eBay Chief Financial Officer Rajiv Dutta soon will become the London-based president …

A Journey to a Thousand Maps Begins With an Open Code — A Google map is no longer just a Google map. — You can still search Google Maps to figure out how to get from here to there, but why would you, when you can use it to pinpoint kosher restaurants in Cincinnati, traffic cameras in Dublin …
Google Maps Mania

Web 2.0 Bubble — I had an enjoyable lunch with Jeff Jarvis today catching up on a number of things and brainstorming about value in the next generation web. During the conversation I vented a little frustration at the use of buzz words and bubble-like mentality with terms like Web 2.0.

Firefox sees 100 millionth download — Just shy of Firefox's first birthday party, the Mozilla Foundation celebrated the 100 millionth download of its Web browser Wednesday. — Mozilla has seen steady adoption of its browser since its release last November.
The PC Doctor

The story behind the new "Google Mail" name — You may have noticed the Google Mail logo. We are changing our service's name in the UK. Starting October 19, 2005, all new users will have addresses. Don't worry, though - all messages are being sent and delivered as before.

A Screen Test For the Video iPod — As always, Apple Computer's charismatic CEO Steve Jobs caused quite a stir last week when he introduced his latest product at a big media event — in this case, a sleek new full-sized iPod that, for the first time, can play video as well as music.

INTERVIEW WITH SPHERE CEO TONY CONRAD — Last week, I contacted Tony Conrad for an interview about Sphere, a new blog search engine presently in private beta testing. Tony, who is the CEO of Sphere was gracious enough to agree, amidst a very busy schedule.

Work directly with RAW files — "Until now, RAW files have taken so long to work with," said Heinz Kluetmeier, renowned sports photographer whose credits include over 100 Sports Illustrated covers. "What amazed me about Aperture is that you can work directly with RAW files …
Guardian Unlimited

Furor Grows Over Internet Bugging — A recent government order mandating that voice over internet protocol services must include the same government-approved wiretapping capabilities as traditional phone companies threatens to cripple peer-to-peer telephone innovation, according to new warnings …

Free American broadband! — In France, you can get super-fast DSL, unlimited phone service and 100 TV channels for a mere $38 a month. Why does the same thing cost so much more in the U.S.? — Next time you sit down to pay your cable-modem or DSL bill, consider this …

Media Companies Go Too Far in Curbing Consumers' Activities — In some quarters of the Internet, the three most hated letters of the alphabet are DRM. They stand for Digital Rights Management, a set of technologies for limiting how people can use the music and video files they've purchased from legal downloading services.

Update Jagger: Contacting Google — Okay, Brett Tabke decided to call it Update Jagger. Here are the ways that I'd use to contact us if you have feedback on Google search results: — Reporting spam in Google's index — I especially want to hear about webspam that you see in Google.