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Feed the world — So we've added a new experiment to Google Labs: Google Reader, a service we hope helps you spend more time reading what's important to you (or is, if you'd prefer, nicely diverting). The Reader team is excited to begin iterating in public, and now that Jason Shellen's announced …

Doing the numbers on the AOL-WeblogsInc deal — AOL bought Weblogs inc., the two year old weblog network founded by Jason Calacanis and Brian Alvey, for a number that is rumored to be anywhere between $25 million and $40 million. In this process, Time Warner may be providing some ideas …

What is the future of open blog infrastructure? — The buzz surrounding VeriSign's acquisition of Dave Winer's prompted me to review my understanding of the blogosphere's notification infrastructure — a topic I hadn't thought much about for a while. For example, I use Radio UserLand to publish this blog.

In-flight internet shown off by Boeing — On Friday, at 24,000 feet over the Irish Sea and travelling at 300 knots, the 20-year-old Boeing aeroplane in which New Scientist is flying experiences what many experts in radio interference might regard as a "nightmare scenario".
Smart Mobs

Yahoo! RSS awareness whitepaper — Yahoo! conducted a study of Internet users in August in an attempt to quantify the ubiquity of RSS among Internet users. Yahoo! released a whitepaper covering some of their findings after surveying over 4000 Internet users in August. — Findings

It's Time to Go the Distance — This afternoon I had lunch with Tony Perkins from AlwaysOn. We discussed his new project - GoingOn - and so much more. One thing Tony and I agreed on is that the marketing community has got 75% of social media mastery under its belt.

If Everyone Thinks It's a Bubble, It's Not a Bubble — Our Web 2.0 conference is prompting all sorts of people to declare that the Bubble-with-a-capital-B is back, Web 2.0 is over, and here we go again. The only problem with this is, if everyone agrees it's a bubble, then it isn't a bubble.

What now? — What an amazing 24 hours... I did at least 20 press interviews, spoke with 100+ people at the Web 2.0 conference, and have been emailing and IMing with our bloggers constantly. I'm fried... but it's a good fried. It reminds me of finishing the marathon.

A Personal Note — Before sharing some thoughts from the excellent Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, I want to offer a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has posted or sent encouraging comments in the last few days. The readership of the blog exploded after John Batelle and others linked …

Man-made diamonds sparkle with potential — BOSTON — In the back room of an unmarked brown building in a run-down strip mall, eight machines, each the size of a bass drum, are making diamonds. — That's right — making diamonds. Real ones, all but indistinguishable from the stones formed …

A post of thanks... ... to Dave Winer, not only for getting me into blogging in the first place, but for putting this blog up on for its duration (and where I expect it will remain, on a server operated by Userland). — I've said it before, When they scroll the credits of my life …

New Look backs first brand campaign with mobile marketing element — LONDON - High street fashion retailer New Look has launched an extensive interactive outdoor advertising campaign that lets shoppers download money-off vouchers to their phones. — The campaign, part of New Look's first brand campaign …

Middle Managers, Bureaucracy, and No Birds at Microsoft — Wow, out of all the crazy blogs in this mixed up world of ours, C|Net went and gave this little Mini-Microsoft blog a moment of recognition in their Blog 100. Thanks! (I have to admit to complete narcissism given I navigated there and gave into a …

For some teenagers, cell phones become 'an extension of me' — What happens when a group of teens and tweens are asked to surrender their cell phones for a day? — Nothing as dramatic as, say, a wild animal caught in a steel trap. No limbs were gnawed off in this experiment.