Top Items:
Nathan Weinberg / InsideGoogle:
GOOGLE RELEASES RSS READER — Google has released an RSS reader. It is a beta, in Google Labs. I'll try to review it tomorrow, but in the last hour of tinkering with it, I have never been so frustrated with a product. Nothing works the way it is supposed to, whole features are broken …
Jason Calacanis / The Jason Calacanis Weblog:
What now? — What an amazing 24 hours... I did at least 20 press interviews, spoke with 100+ people at the Web 2.0 conference, and have been emailing and IMing with our bloggers constantly. I'm fried... but it's a good fried. It reminds me of finishing the marathon.
Inside AdSense Team / Inside AdSense:
Six AdSense optimization tips for forums — 1. Format is important for multiple ad units — Placing a skyscraper above the fold on the left side of your forum seems to produce slightly better performance than other positioning. However, when using multiple ad units throughout the page …
USA Today:
Man-made diamonds sparkle with potential — BOSTON — In the back room of an unmarked brown building in a run-down strip mall, eight machines, each the size of a bass drum, are making diamonds. — That's right — making diamonds. Real ones, all but indistinguishable from the stones formed …
The Doc Searls Weblog:
A post of thanks... ... to Dave Winer, not only for getting me into blogging in the first place, but for putting this blog up on for its duration (and where I expect it will remain, on a server operated by Userland). — I've said it before, When they scroll the credits of my life …
Paul Marks /
In-flight internet shown off by Boeing — On Friday, at 24,000 feet over the Irish Sea and travelling at 300 knots, the 20-year-old Boeing aeroplane in which New Scientist is flying experiences what many experts in radio interference might regard as a "nightmare scenario".
Smart Mobs
Dawn C. Chmielewski /
For some teenagers, cell phones become 'an extension of me' — What happens when a group of teens and tweens are asked to surrender their cell phones for a day? — Nothing as dramatic as, say, a wild animal caught in a steel trap. No limbs were gnawed off in this experiment.
Danny Sullivan / Search Engine Watch Blog:
Semel On Yahoo Being New To Search, More Open To Google — Terry Semel at Web 2.0: "We'll Always Be More Open Than Google" from Yahoo's Jeffrey McManus is a very nice rundown of the Q&A between Yahoo CEO Terry Semel and John Battelle out at Web 2.0. But man, my jaw dropped at some of the positioning …
Associated Press:
China to develop its own DVD format — Announced next-generation standard based on HD DVD — SHANGHAI, China - For the second time in two years, China has announced plans to develop its own next-generation DVD standard to break the monopoly of foreign companies and avoid paying heavy licensing fees.
Tom Grubisich / Online Journalism Review:
Grassroots journalism: Actual content vs. shining ideal — Community news sites get a lot of hype, but can they produce quality journalism? A survey, from pineapple salsa to virtual village greens. — Community sites filled with local news and humming with spirited discussion …
Terry Heaton's Weblog
Niall Kennedy / Niall Kennedy's Weblog:
Yahoo! RSS awareness whitepaper — Yahoo! conducted a study of Internet users in August in an attempt to quantify the ubiquity of RSS among Internet users. Yahoo! released a whitepaper covering some of their findings after surveying over 4000 Internet users in August. — Findings
Jeremy / POP! PR Jots:
Pushing forward the PR Meme — Steve Rubel finally steps up to the plate to take a leadership position, by putting forward a pretty good idea ... until you reach the last paragraph. And, he notes that I have been pushing him to take more of a leadership role, and he finally took the bait.
Marc / O'Reilly Radar:
If Everyone Thinks It's a Bubble, It's Not a Bubble — Our Web 2.0 conference is prompting all sorts of people to declare that the Bubble-with-a-capital-B is back, Web 2.0 is over, and here we go again. The only problem with this is, if everyone agrees it's a bubble, then it isn't a bubble.
PC World:
The Hidden Money Trail — Those programs that pelt you with ads and bog down your PC are financed by some of America's largest companies. — Allison Smith will never forget the week before Memorial Day 2005. — Roaming the Internet looking for some free clip art, Smith found a site that looked perfect.
Search Engine Journal