Top Items:

What is the future of open blog infrastructure? — The buzz surrounding VeriSign's acquisition of Dave Winer's prompted me to review my understanding of the blogosphere's notification infrastructure — a topic I hadn't thought much about for a while. For example, I use Radio UserLand to publish this blog.

What a day! — These notes were written on the flight from Cincinnati to Greensboro, early yesterday evening. — Today was a travel day, an interesting one for sure, unique in many ways. It was the first time I began a trip in the East Bay, and I learned a ton about getting from Berkeley to SFO for an 11AM weekday flight.

Weblogs 2.0 — Word is out, and it's true: VeriSign has acquired the assets of Dave Winer's I'm sure Dave will have plenty to say on the subject, but this past year has reached a point where Dave needed to either a) invest significant capital into the development of Weblogs 2.0 …
The Doc Searls Weblog, Werblog, Jarrett House North, Silicon Valley Sleuth, Things That, Netcraft, Hitchhiker's Guide to 650, 9rules network, Get Real, Brian Sullivan's Random …, Podcasting, ben barren, Niall Kennedy's Weblog, Scripting News, Good Morning Silicon Valley, SiliconBeat, B.L. Ochman's weblog, The Pondering Primate, Halley's Comment, Susan Mernit's Blog, jkOnTheRun,, Colin's Corner, Search Engine Watch Blog and The RSS Blog Details Starting To Emerge; Price Tag $2.3 Million : Updated at 11:50 p.m. eastern to include interview with Dave Winer: VeriSign moved quickly tonight to shift the story from reports of a sale to what the company will do with its new acquisition from Dave Winer.
paradox1x, The Social Software Weblog, Techdirt, Danny Ayers, Raw Blog and Brian Sullivan's Random …

Dave Winer gives rest of the story on sale
Incremental Blogger

Doing the numbers on the AOL-WeblogsInc deal — AOL bought Weblogs inc., the two year old weblog network founded by Jason Calacanis and Brian Alvey, for a number that is rumored to be anywhere between $25 million and $40 million. In this process, Time Warner may be providing some ideas …

Guy who was busted "for using lynx" found guilty — Last January, I got an email from a trusted source swearing that a good pal of his had been arrested while making a donation to an online tsunami relief fund because he'd been using a non-standard text-based browser that triggered the donor's intrusion detection system.
Smalltalk Tidbits …

The Best of The Instablogs Criticism — We heard so much this past week, we got breathless ourselves. Now we know what means to be the center of attention. To celebrate, we present a collectors' edition sampling of what the world does to you if you start out new and small. — 1.)

Instablogs Launches — After a few server problems …
The Blog Herald

Feed the world — So we've added a new experiment to Google Labs: Google Reader, a service we hope helps you spend more time reading what's important to you (or is, if you'd prefer, nicely diverting). The Reader team is excited to begin iterating in public, and now that Jason Shellen's announced …

Web 2.0 Reactions — What was a budding movement three years ago, at the dawn of the revival in technology, internet, and silicon valley, has become a full blown mania. — Everyone is on this game. That goes for both entrepreneurs, who seem to be hatching new businesses at as rapid …
Like It Matters

A Personal Note — Before sharing some thoughts from the excellent Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, I want to offer a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has posted or sent encouraging comments in the last few days. The readership of the blog exploded after John Batelle and others linked …

The next free ebook (Squidoo!) — Everyone's an Expert (about something). — How do you get more people to visit your site? — or buy your product? — or donate to your charity online? — How do you get your ideas to spread? — If you work on the web, this is one of the biggest questions you wrestle with.

Middle Managers, Bureaucracy, and No Birds at Microsoft — Wow, out of all the crazy blogs in this mixed up world of ours, C|Net went and gave this little Mini-Microsoft blog a moment of recognition in their Blog 100. Thanks! (I have to admit to complete narcissism given I navigated there and gave into a …

Yahoo publishes RSS usage report — Yahoo just released a whitepaper on RSS usage and came out with a publisher's guide to RSS too (both are on their guide to RSS page). — Of the big three companies (Google/Microsoft/Yahoo) Yahoo is definitely getting RSS the best.

With more than 14 million blogs in existence and another 80,000 being created each day, how is a person supposed to find the ones worth reading? — That is the question CNET is attempting to answer with our first Blog 100 list. This effort adds to products such as Blogs …