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Weblogs 2.0 — Word is out, and it's true: VeriSign has acquired the assets of Dave Winer's I'm sure Dave will have plenty to say on the subject, but this past year has reached a point where Dave needed to either a) invest significant capital into the development of Weblogs 2.0 …

What a day! — These notes were written on the flight from Cincinnati to Greensboro, early yesterday evening. — Today was a travel day, an interesting one for sure, unique in many ways. It was the first time I began a trip in the East Bay, and I learned a ton about getting from Berkeley to SFO for an 11AM weekday flight. Details Starting To Emerge; Price Tag $2.3 Million : Updated at 11:50 p.m. eastern to include interview with Dave Winer: VeriSign moved quickly tonight to shift the story from reports of a sale to what the company will do with its new acquisition from Dave Winer.
Danny Ayers, Raw Blog sold to Verisign — Boy, the scent of money is in the air these days. The latest report is that Dave Winer has sold to Verisign (~$5 million is the figure being bandied about). This is an interesting one because it seemed crazy (see below) when I first heard about it …

Steve Ballmer Details Microsoft's Security Strategy — Microsoft announces new product to help protect business customers, collaborates with governments and industry on evolving threats. — REDMOND, Wash. — Oct. 6, 2005 — Today in Munich, Germany, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft Corp.'s chief executive officer …

Tsunami appeal site 'hacker' found guilty … A computer consultant has been fined for gaining unauthorised access to the Disaster Emergency Committee's fundraising Web site — A computer consultant has been convicted of gaining unauthorised access to a Web site collecting donations …

Daggers Drawn Over DVDs — How Sony gained an edge in its fierce battle with Microsoft over video formats — Every July, 400 of the most powerful media and tech industry chieftains meet at investment banker Herb Allen's conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, for what are usually convivial discussions of megatrends and megamergers.

10 Things About Web 2.0 Conference — It has been quite a blur, but there were some exciting side notes which I wanted to report from Web 2.0 conference. — The Web 1.0 party at the House of Shields was rocking, and well it was a massive success. You knew it was over when pretty blondes started showing up at the event.

WeblogsInc: More — : I asked my friend Nick Denton whether he had comment on the WeblogsInc/AOL deal. And he said: … : Just saw Tina Sharkey, the AOL exec who made the deal to buy WeblogsInc. Usual "very excited" soundbites. She says it will be run as a separate company keeping separate URLs …

And Now Comes The Real Blog Bubble — from the so,-what's-hot-now? dept. — Rafat Ali got the scoop last night, and today it's been confirmed that AOL is buying Weblogs Inc.. As others are noting this is probably a good deal for the crew at Weblogs Inc., but not necessarily such a good deal for AOL.

Driving under the influence of Web maps — It was a nearly cloudless, sunny day in San Francisco as I set out on my Wednesday drive. My goal: Test the accuracy and timing of the maps and driving directions provided by Yahoo, Google, MSN and America Online's MapQuest.

With more than 14 million blogs in existence and another 80,000 being created each day, how is a person supposed to find the ones worth reading? — That is the question CNET is attempting to answer with our first Blog 100 list. This effort adds to products such as Blogs …

Terry Semel at Web 2.0: "We'll Always Be More Open Than Google" — Terry (Yahoo!'s head honcho) just got done being interviewed by Jon Battelle at Web 2.0. I took rough notes which I'll dump here unedited for now. — Update: Danny at Search Engine Watch quoted my transcript liberally …

Cranking Up the Allen Telescope Array — In the patchwork of dry, cow-fouled ranch lands 250 miles northeast of San Francisco, an unusual crop is poking above the dusty shrubbery. Three dozen metal mushrooms have sprouted near the modest village of Hat Creek, and are turning their aluminum eyes skyward.