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Weblogs 2.0 — Word is out, and it's true: VeriSign has acquired the assets of Dave Winer's I'm sure Dave will have plenty to say on the subject, but this past year has reached a point where Dave needed to either a) invest significant capital into the development of Weblogs 2.0 …
Niall Kennedy's Weblog, ben barren, Susan Mernit's Blog, Netcraft and B.L. Ochman's weblog
RELATED ITEMS: sold to Verisign? — Boy, the scent of money is in the air these days. The latest report is that Dave Winer has sold to Verisign (~$5 million is the figure being bandied about). This is an interesting one because it seemed crazy (see below) when I first heard about it …
hyku | blog, Brian Sullivan's Random …,, Roland Tanglao's Weblog and The RSS Blog

What a day! — These notes were written on the flight from Cincinnati to Greensboro, early yesterday evening. — Today was a travel day, an interesting one for sure, unique in many ways. It was the first time I began a trip in the East Bay, and I learned a ton about getting from Berkeley to SFO for an 11AM weekday flight.

Report: Winer Sells To Verisign : Updated at 9:05 p.m. eastern: VeriSign has officially confirmed this, on its company blog, here..more later... Jason Kottke is reporting with a healthy amount of skepticism that Dave Winer has sold, the largest and oldest ping service, to Verisign.

Rumor: sold to Verisign — Latest rumor, as reported on Jason Kottke's site: sold to Verisign? — Note: this is different than, which WAS sold to AOL yesterday. — Dave Winer is my friend, so I can neither confirm nor deny this rumor …

10 Things About Web 2.0 Conference — It has been quite a blur, but there were some exciting side notes which I wanted to report from Web 2.0 conference. — The Web 1.0 party at the House of Shields was rocking, and well it was a massive success. You knew it was over when pretty blondes started showing up at the event.
Lifehacker, O'Reilly Radar, Open Source, Genuine VC, Between the Lines, TechCrunch, Moore's Lore, ben barren and Infectious Greed

Weblogs Inc Sale to AOL Confirmed - Here's the Inside Word — I've just been forwarded an email which was sent from Weblogs Inc Co-Founder Brian Alvey to Weblogs Inc's bloggers. It was sent to me by WIN blogger who wants to remain nameless. I won't publish it in full here as its a private email …

WeblogsInc: More — : I asked my friend Nick Denton whether he had comment on the WeblogsInc/AOL deal. And he said: … : Just saw Tina Sharkey, the AOL exec who made the deal to buy WeblogsInc. Usual "very excited" soundbites. She says it will be run as a separate company keeping separate URLs …

And Now Comes The Real Blog Bubble — from the so,-what's-hot-now? dept. — Rafat Ali got the scoop last night, and today it's been confirmed that AOL is buying Weblogs Inc.. As others are noting this is probably a good deal for the crew at Weblogs Inc., but not necessarily such a good deal for AOL.
Qumana Blog, Life On the Wicked Stage, Ed Bott's Windows Expertise, paradox1x, Colin's Corner and Blogebrity

Microsoft Enterprise Anti-Spyware Plans Take Shape — Microsoft moved a step closer to becoming a key player in the Internet security business with the announcement Thursday of a new enterprise-class anti-spyware product featuring technology to thwart viruses, worms and kernel rootkits.

Terry Semel at Web 2.0: "We'll Always Be More Open Than Google" — Terry (Yahoo!'s head honcho) just got done being interviewed by Jon Battelle at Web 2.0. I took rough notes which I'll dump here unedited for now. — Update: Danny at Search Engine Watch quoted my transcript liberally …

CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on Supporting the Commons — Submitted by Lawrence Lessig on 2005-10-06 10:38 AM. — So today, Creative Commons launches its first fund raising campaign. Until now, we've lived on very generous grants from some very wise foundations.