Top Items:
Yahoo and Upcoming, Sitting In A Tree — Two years ago, I launched and announced it to the world. Today, along with my partners Gordon Luk and Leonard Lin, I'm unbelievably proud to announce that is now a member of the Yahoo! family. — I've always had a warm and fuzzy feeling about Yahoo.
Things That, Marc's Voice, Google Blogoscoped, paradox1x, Niall Kennedy's Weblog, Software Only and TechCrunch
Yahoo! Search blog:
What's Upcoming at Yahoo! Local — As readers of the Yahoo! Search blog know, our vision is a far-reaching one — to enable people to find, use, share, and expand all human knowledge. — Events are a particularly exciting area of human knowledge — chock full of rich local, social, and temporal data.
¿Y! Tu? (aka Holy Schmoly, aka Leeerrooooy Jeeenkinns) — (links filled as they come, check out the upcoming update, refresh css) — It seems like the cool thing for all my friends to do these days is to announce that they're now working for Yahoo! I think you know where this is heading …
ben barren
Getluky /
Yahoo! Acquires — Today marks the day that Yahoo! has officially acquired Here's the official announcement, which covers the basics: … Tackling the tricky problems behind events is a worthy challenge. Many sites make an attempt to be a calendar on the Internet …
Rob Hof / Business Week:
Flock, the New Browser on the Block — The latest challenger to Explorer and Firefox aims to beat the big guys by emphasizing blogging, networking, and online communities — Web browsers don't look much different than they did a decade ago, when Netscape Communications's initial stock …
Ryan Katz / Think Secret:
October 12 Apple event to usher in new Power Macs, PowerBooks — October 5, 2005 - Select members of the industry and media received invitations Tuesday from Apple to a special event taking place one week from today at the California Theater in San Jose. The event, Think Secret has learned …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Silicon Valley Sleuth, Joe Wilcox, digg and Lost Remote TV Blog
Matt Marshall / SiliconBeat:
Andreessen's Ning unveiled — We woke up this morning to the buzz of Ning, the start-up co-founded by Marc Andreessen, the guy who co-founded Netscape. — We were alerted by a tipster in the wee hours this morning, but we see it is already No. 7 on words searched at Technorati — at least as of this writing.
Arshad Mohammed / Washington Post:
Philadelphia to Be City of Wireless Web — Philadelphia yesterday announced a plan to build the biggest municipal wireless Internet system in the nation, the latest of a growing number of cities to treat high-speed Web access as a basic municipal service like water, electricity and trash collection.
Steve Rosenbush / Business Week:
Why WiMax Could Hit the Hotspot — The technology for delivering fast Web access over large areas could help upstart communications outfits nab share from established players — Wi-Fi has changed the way people navigate the Internet, and in record time. The technology, which is used …
Microsoft FAT Patents Get Thumbs Down — Updated: The USPTO has rejected two key patent applications around FAT, but Microsoft still believes it has a good chance of triumphing. Open-source vendors are holding their breath. — The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has rejected …
Fred / A VC:
Point Solutions vs End to End Solutions — I wrote this on the flight out to the Web 2.0 conference. I hope it stimulates some interesting conversations. — One of the central tenets of Web 2. thinking is that lightweight "point solutions" that can be stitched together by the consumer …
Phoenix / Search Engine Roundtable:
Save Jeeves! Pask Ask Employee Speaks Out — Save Jeeves, so says a very concerned blogger! It appears one of the past employees of Ask are getting up in arms about the decision from Ask/IAC to sack the butler. He apparently has a following that is voicing their dismay at loosing him eventually.