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Sun and Google Expand Technology Reach And Global Opportunity — Multi-year, Strategic Agreement Promotes Java Technology and Google Toolbar — MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF., - October 4, 2005 - Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Google Inc. today announced an agreement to promote and distribute …

Sun Welcomes You To 1999 With Its Google Non-Announcement — from the i'm-forever-blowing-bubbles dept. — The rumor mill's been working overtime the last few days as hype built up surrounding an announcement from Google and Sun. Much of the speculation was that they'd announce some type …

Google takes a leisurely stroll through Sun's pantry of goods — Open Source Software Infrastructure Hardware Infrastructure Web Technology — I can see it now. Google honcho Eric Schmidt decides to stretch his legs and venture down from Olympus to do some window shopping at his former employer, Sun Microsystems.
The Unofficial Google Weblog

Sun and Google's Partnership Potential — After all of the hype over the past day, the actual announcement between Sun and Google was pretty subdued. Here's what they will work together on: — 1) Google Toolbar will be distributed with Java Run Time (JRT) downloads from

Google and Sun Microsystems Planning Major Announcement : GoogleOffice?

NewsGator acquires NetNewsWire — The rumors and stories this morning are true...NewsGator has acquired NetNewsWire. Here's the press release, and a Q&A about the deal. This is awesome news - we're all very excited about it! — The rationale here is similar to what I posted about the FeedDemon deal.

NewsGator acquires NetNewsWire — It's true! NewsGator has acquired NetNewsWire and hired me as a product architect! There's a press release and a Q&A page that go into more detail. — You can also read what my co-workers Greg Reinacker and Nick Bradbury have to say.

NewsGator Acquires NetNewsWire — RSS platform company NewsGator Technologies has acquired NetNewsWire, creator of a popular RSS reader for Mac OS X. — NewsGator already owns RSS aggregators on Outlook, Windows and Windows Media Center, as well as a Web service.

Apple planning launch of video iPod — Apple Computer has begun production of a new version of its iPod digital music player that will be capable of playing videos, AppleInsider has learned. — Reliable sources believe the iPod could be introduced as early as next week …

Netscape Founder Starts Firm — Online services startup Ning offers tools for developers to build new applications that help people connect and communicate. — Netscape co-founder Mark Andreessen has launched a new online services startup called Ning that aims to provide developers …

John Battelle: 'Traditional Media Are Fearful of Google and Yahoo' — The co-founding editor of Wired and founder of The Industry Standard argues that print as the medium for news delivery is "passing." That's why he's launching a blog service company. — John Battelle, a co-founder …

The Future of Advertising — Advertisers in a computer magazine can make an assumption that is quite accurate. The readers of such a magazine probably have an interest in computers and may respond well to advertising for computer-related products. This is kind of the crux …

Napster - the inside story and lessons for entrepreneurs — Napster was a Web 2.0 company back in the 1.0 world. Here is a glimpse into the inside story of Napster, and at the end, some lessons learned for entrepreneurs. I was VP of product development at Napster back in the wild days of 2000.
The Post Money Value

GOOGLE: IT'S NOT ABOUT SEARCH — These days, Google seems to be interested in just about everything—portals, search, VoIP, instant messaging, e-mail, photos, blogging, maps, topography, Wi-Fi and NASA, just for starters. Google's eclectic interests must aggravate Microsoft's competitive analysis folks.
Between the Lines