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Michelle Meyers / CNET
Problems surfacing with iPod Nano screen — Some owners of Apple Computer's new "impossibly small" iPod Nano are starting to wonder if the device is also impossibly delicate. — The most widespread complaint about the otherwise highly praised device seems to be that the color display screen gets scratched extremely easily.
Larry Angell / All things iPod, iTunes and beyond:
News: iPod nano screen complaints abound — Apple's iPod nano may be receiving rave reviews, but a slew of nano owners are complaining about the device's screen getting scratched too easily. Apple's support forum contains several hundred postings discussing the flaw, with some claiming …
Zachary Rodgers / ClickZ:
PubSub to Measure Blog Influence by Category — PubSub is today expected to unleash a new site ranking tool, called LinkRanks, that measures the "strength, persistence, and vitality" of links pointing to and from a given Web site. — Additionally, PubSub has begun an effort to compile lists …
The Power of Defaults … How gullible are Web users? Sadly, the answer seems to be "very." — Professor Thorsten Joachims and colleagues at Cornell University conducted a study of search engines. Among other things, their study examined the links users followed on the SERP (search engine results page).
Matt Reed / Wired News:
IPod Maps Draw Legal Threats — Transit officials in New York and San Francisco have launched a copyright crackdown on a website offering free downloadable subway maps designed to be viewed on the iPod. — is the home of iPod-sized maps of nearly two dozen different …
Global usage share MSN Search has slightly increased according to — Amsterdam - September 26 2005 - (, the number one provider of on demand intelligence web analytics, today reported that MSN Search's global usage share has slightly increased …
Clive Thompson / Wired News:
Gamers Get a Hollywood Makeover — Halfway through The 40 Year Old Virgin is a thoroughly remarkable scene. It's got nothing to do with first-time sex, though. No, it's about gaming: David and Cal, two of the virgin's twenty-something slacker friends, are sitting in his apartment playing Mortal Kombat: Deception.
Steve Gillmor / ZDNet:
Blogosfear — It's amazing how quickly we settle into a notion of what's the right thing to do. Take the crisis over newspaper business models. As my brother and the Cluetrain brothers have lamented, the newspaper business is on the decline. The Times and Knight Ridder have announced significant cuts …
Venture Chronicles …
Tim / O'Reilly Radar:
Yahoo! as the TV Network of the Future — The NY Times story about the next generation media strategy of Yahoo!'s Terry Semel and Lloyd Braun is worth a read. What first struck me: … My first thought was of Songline Studio's Ferndale, the first soap opera on the net, and Tom Arriola's CrimeScene …
Ben Elgin / Business Week:
The Mind of Google's Resident Muse — As it expands and hires, the search giant risks losing cool ideas in a bureaucratic maze. Marissa Mayer's job is to stop that happening — Marissa Mayer prides herself on needing only four hours of sleep each night.
Geeking with Greg
MSN Launches Paid-Search Service in France and Singapore — In-depth audience intelligence helps advertisers turn consumer clicks into connections. — NEW YORK — Sept. 26, 2005 — Today, Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of the MSN® Information Services & Merchant Platform division …
: Michael Meeks interview — Here's a few of the questions we asked the Novell employee... LXF: How did you first get involved with Gnome? — Michael Meeks: Well, that's quite a long story. I became a Christian in my gap year. I'd like to point out I was using Windows exclusively …
Michael / michael parekh on IT:
ON TYPEPAD'S NEW TIP JAR FEATURE — From time to time I've both praised and criticized the hosting software and service this blog is based on, Typepad. — In general, the company has done a terrific job coping with dramatic growth in users (bloggers and "blogees"—readers of blogs) …
Mark Evans