Top Items:

Managing Google's Idea Factory — Marissa Mayer helps the search giant out-think its rivals — In late 1998, when Marissa Mayer first heard about a small outfit called Google, she barely batted an eye. The Stanford University grad student was urged by her adviser to pay a visit to two guys …
Worker Bees Blog

'Mousewives' drive the net revolution — TIME was when the matriarchal role involved educating the children through teatime TV, taking them to the doctor to treat a mystery malaise, and administering the odd clip around the ear. — But the traditional housewife has been transformed …
Om Malik's Broadband Blog

More colleges offer gaming theory courses — TROY, New York (AP) — Down the hall, college students study steel design and software engineering. In Shawn Lawson's classroom, they learn how to digitally animate a ball bouncing through a flaming hoop. — "We need to give him a real squish …

It only takes one asshat to ruin it for everybody. Okay, for me. — I got an email from the folks running the Serenity screenings. I am not a happy man any more. … No reservation, just the opportunity to go show up and hope for a seat? Wow! Tell me more!
Things That

How to Set Up Backup 3 and Save Your Data — I've been fascinated with Apple's backup software since its early release. Back in 2003, I wrote an article titled "802.11, .Mac, Backup—All Coming Together" that discussed how WiFi and .Mac provided laptop users with flexible backup options.

Ricoh GR Digital Camera Preview — Introduction — Some time ago we were informed about a new digital camera. In all these years since we have been around we have seen quite a number of cameras, and to be honest, most of them are not that exciting at all.

THE WEB 2.0 IS HERE — Web 2.0 is white hot at the moment, and not just because of the hype, but because of the insane amount of stuff that's being built for it right now. — I know, I know. It sounds like the Cluetrain Manifesto all over again. Well, it kinda is.

social networking — Call of the Wild — Inspired by the ability of the mobile phone to enhance polygamous activity through non-verbal, silent phone messaging, True Blue Love, a mobile phone social networking experience, is designed to explore the politics behind intimate phone-based relations.

Massachusetts Finalizes Plans to Phase Out Microsoft Office — In a first for a U.S. state, executive branch agencies will adopt the OpenDocument standard by 2007. — The state of Massachusetts has finalized a proposed move to an open, nonproprietary format for office documents …

How will Linux be leveraged in next-gen supercomputers? — Linux is at the top of the world's Top 500 List of World's Fastest Supercomputers, but does it have what it takes to stay there? — IBM and the United States stole the top slot last November when the BlueGene/L system running Linux …
Smart Mobs

Google Video Goes Flash — I just stumbled on this and don't know how long this has been the case. It looks like Google Video is using Flash to deliver video (exclusively, from what I can gather). — This makes a lot of sense because Flash can deliver high quality video without any sort of media player download.